
member since 2017

Recent Reviews6 total

Potomac Holistics

I visited this location for the first time on Dec 17, 2017. It was my very first dispensary experience and set a bad tone on how the rest of the dispensaries in the state were going to be like. Nope, it's how Potomac is ran. I waited in a line outside in the cold for about a good 30 mins before being allowed to come inside and be checked in. Filling out the paperwork was easy, the front desk staff were really friendly. After being buzzed into the waiting area. I was searched by a security guard and waved a metal detector around me. It really was an uneasy feeling and I felt like I was criminal for coming to buy cannabis. I waited in the waiting area for a 25mins and was called back by one of their Budtenders and started to discussed products. The Budtender really wasn't that knowledgeable on their products. I wanted an indica based product for back pain, but ended up selling me on a Tangie cartridge which is a Sativa. I wish I had the knowledge base that I have now when I went in to find a more appropriate product for my needs.

Ace of Spades

This strain I tried in vape cartridge by Curio Wellness. The oil within the cartridge was very dark and viscous. Smell and taste I would best describe as earthy/ dirt like. I am not too particularly found of it. It seems to be very short acting, I found myself having to vape again every 15-30mins to continue pain management. I did night have couch lock or increased hunger while I used this strain. I tend to like to use this strain in the mornings and on the go.

LA Chocolat

Smoked as a pre-roll by Green Leaf. This strain really is helpful with my extreme lower back spasms. Smell and flavor have chocolate and coffee notes. I also recommend this strain for not only physical, but mental relaxation as well. I did not feel hungry on this strain at all.

Blue Dream

I tried this strain as a distillate vape cartridge for the very first time, produced by Liberty Holistic. The distillate was a very light color and smelled very fruity Flavor I would describe as blue berry like. My very first hit was smooth and felt relief to the pain portion of my muscle spasms within 2-3mins. I was still experiencing spasms, but with no pain was associated and felt very strange. The spasm did eventually resolve after 15mins. I felt very creative during this high. Did experience some agitation before falling asleep. I really recommend this strain for high level pain.


Thus far my favorite strain to use. I purchased this as a concentrated vape by GTI. I go through a few spasms before becoming fully relaxed. I find myself very creative during this high, especially expressing thoughts and feelings. Excellent for pain management for both muscle and nerve. Also helps with migraines.


This was the very first strain of medical grade cannabis I ever tried. I purchased in a concentrated vape and with my first inhalation, I almost vomited and started to drool. I found myself very agitated and had a lot of trouble getting to sleep on the strain. I really enjoy this for more of a day time use. It's a hit or miss for the muchies as well.