Harvest HOC - Tempe (Med/Rec)
This is to the individual that provides the written responses for Harvest Dispensary:
After reading through the reviews and Harvest response, I would hope it would be apparent, as I'm sure it is to others who read the responses, that you follow a pretty consistent script and format, using the same word or word phrases in virtually the same thing in every response. I'm sure it isn't challenging to write. Unfortunately for you, when the Leafly readers check reviews and responses, they will see the similar format, wording, or in some cases identical statements which I think decreases or calls into question the genuineness and sincerity of your messaged response. Maybe make the responses more personal and fitting to the specifics of the concern, finding other ways to say "Thank you for your honest review" Please reach out to us, we will be investigating, we value your feedback, or following the same format. The similarity of all the responses to concerns posted loose their credibility and impact. I would say that other readers would notice this. The responses to positive reviews are way different, feel very personal and intended for the person who wrote the review. The responses to concerns or suggestions lacks that personal touch, or connection you make quite well for the positive reviews.