
member since 2020

Recent Reviews1 total

Tangerine Dream

This strain gave me back my life. I have severe IBSd with syncope (I didn't even know such a thing existed before). I was on sulfasalazine 4 times a day and Bentyl 4 to 6 times a day, and I still had to use caution leaving the house. I was like this for over 4 years. After using this strain only in the evening (I was new to weed), I was able to go 3 months without any meds and I was able to go into a store and drive to my family's houses without "emergencies." I'm not one to do anything regularly but this strain totally changed my mind about Marijuana. There truly are medical benefits to it - I'm living proof. I have had a few milder syncopal episodes this past year, but I only take those meds every once in a while, when I can't afford the weed. There are other benefits to medical Marijuana, but this one is by far the greatest for me, because it gave me my life back. Being in the medical field over 30 years, I bit the lie about this God given plant. In my opinion, Marijuana should be recreationally legal - it genuinely helps medically, and also with anxiety, which is high among young people these days. You can't OD on it, and it's all natural, not synthetic or controlled my pharmaceutical companies. I'm a staunch supporter of Marijuana (and I'm not one who likes the mind altering effects of any drug) - but the options are as varied as the strains.