Zen Leaf - York
Stop there today at noon on my way home. Stood in line outside for 15 minutes in 15 mph winds. before allowed into store. check in went fine. Got into store and immediately saw why I waited outside in freezing cold - they had only 2 of 7 sales cubicles available. So I and others and others stood outside and froze our asses off because MANAGEMENT WAS TOO DAMN CHEAP TO BRING IN MORE SALES ASSOCIATES. I've managed businesses for more than 40 years and this York Zenleaf has no clue about customer service. Strike 1.
Short line inside not moving but after 5 minutes I am next in line for counter. During this time a line of 6 to 8 people forms inside behind me. Some move to ATM to get money and a line forms at the only working ATM. Meanwhile at counter both customers place their orders then need to go to ATM, get in line and wait their turn to get money from ATM. Meanwhile, back at the counter, both sales associates are waiting idly while the line at the only ATM that works clears so they can conclude the sales. Strike 2. I was escorted from building and sent on my way after making a comment to the customer at counter. But the rub here is this - that ATM wasn't working 2 weeks ago when I had to use one for cash. Strike 3. C'mon. man, we the med cannibus users deserve better. There are other equally good shops nearby and I suggest you find them.