
member since 2015

Recent Reviews5 total


429ville is ran by a group of old school folks who have not a clue about modern day cannabis culture or practices for that matter. We have gone there a few times since they went recreational, and they have a good variety of strains, but the quality is low, like Midwest low. It is not even close to what you find in Eugene, Portland of even Bend. They are much Clare, I grant them that, and it makes it nice not having to know I have to only rely on my 4, a I can grow at home. They seem to not know a whole lot about cannabis lineage or effects of the various strains they carry. If you start asking too many questions, or questions they have know clue how to answer, they start getting it Irritated, and start hurrying you along. They also don't seem to like if you ask to see too many strains or if you make any comments about their janky storage system, or the lack of THC content across the board. Their product is very old and clearly handled by too many hands in the distribution line. The THC content is generally low. They actually store all of their buds in ziplock bags behind the counter. All the beating around from being jostled around constantly has left the buds with very little tricomes left on them, and under microscope, what's left of them are all broken and Amber in color. I have performed these quality checks on about 8 of the strains they carry, and it seems to be the same for all their product topshelf to bottom. Again an indication age of the weed. Some of their strains show signs of serious vacuum sealing. They need to find a more consistent source for bud, and buy smaller quantities at a time and keep fresher herb in their shop. Instead of buying a ton of low grade Willamette valley left overs all sealed up for months upon months until it can be sold. Don't get me wrong, I know that bud can be store properly long term. I do it myself with my grows. My point is these and/or their suppliers aren't storing it properly... I haven't stored my stuff in ziplocks since being in college! Lol. This fact should tell you their knowledge of cannabis in general. They need fresher bud or knock their prices way down. Even their topshelf, which is rediculoisly priced at around $20 a gram, shows its age and is harsh as hell. Their growers suck at flushing their plants in general. Invest in some giant glass jars with tight seals, and even better with vacuum sealing capabilities if they need to store it longer term without crushing the tricomes. Store it around 60 degrees in pitch dark. Your customers will notice the difference. Invest time in diversifying your supply chain. And get these things right, while you do have the market clinched. You may be enjoying a bunch of ignorant Idaho buyers now, but eventually things will loosen up. I see La Grande going first, once they figure the money potential in it, and then other communities as they see these other towns making capital gains from people coming to "their" town to buy weed. And reinvesting the tax money they get into their schools and other such things as stilulated by the state. And guess what??? Then people won't be so inclined to drive so far to get your inferior/way over-priced cannabis. I might resort to going there once a month at best if I'm bored with what I have and want a little variety with low expectations. Other wise I will hold out for harvest or going west and stopping over in the valleys while traveling. The wuality over there is just what I and a lot of cannabis consumers have now come to expect.


Super fun, uplifting, and euphoric functionality herb. Very clear, and motivated. I love this strain for my anxiety. It has ZERO paranoia. It reminds me of cannabis version of Xanax and Adderal in one without the harsh side effects of either. Very potent, but does seem to have that cutoff point for me and most potent weeds. Usually I can't get that medicated on most cannabis because the high amounts of THC induce a panic attack almost every time I over indulge. Not this stuff. I can be super medicated and have nearly zero negative sided effects. The only one being some dry mouth..They hit the nail on the head with this social, euphorically focused wonder strain!


Laid back place. Happy with their clone selection. The clones were nice sized, and very healthy. So that made up for the $5 over the price of some of the other clone prices out there. Some of their flower seemed too fresh and uncured. This was not a cross the board, but rather a few specific strains. So could be a vender issue with cutting corners. Their top shelf was excellent and met expectations for the price. Mid shelf was, meh, okay for the price.. Perhaps more differentiated prices based on more specific quality perameters might serve them well, versus the slam em all on one shelf for this price, that shelf for that price system they currently use. They have a pure CBD oil that can be purchased by recreational clients. Overall, the bud tender were nice and friendly. The parking lot can be tricky to get in and out of if they are busy.


Very mellow strain with nice piney smell. It has great CBD content. Small CBD rich crystals are present though I would not say it is coated, but not bad for a CBD rich strain. Has the usually larfy fluff bugs that are common when buying CBD rich strains. I usually custom blend my herbs for a custom effect that helps my generalized anxiety and provide pain relief for chronic pain associated with a spinal cord injury. I do smoke my CBD strains as an on the spot relief option, but most gets concentrated. I also like smoking some of every strain I purchase from dispensaries because I can tell a lot about how it was grown and finished just based on how it smokes, it's taste and the ash. This cannabis was not flushed properly. It smokes super harsh and tasted awful. It left pure black sooty looking ash instead of nose clean white ash, so just heads up that is not the smoothest smoke. It also was damp in that it didn't feel fully dried. It smooshed and was sticky unstead of the stem "cracking" off like it should when properly dried and cured. This could lend to the harshness. Just going to make some extract it of it and purify it out that way for ingestion. But still kind of disappointed at how inferior it was compared to more "recreational" strains... Growers must be presuming that the high CBD strains aren't being smoked much? Well, I do, and I'm sure there are others that do too. Dunno, but not worth the mid shelf pricing they have it at.


Very mellow strain with nice piney smell. Small CBD rich trickles a re present though I would not say it is coated, but not bad for a CBD rich strain. Has the usually larfy fluff buds that are common when buying CBD rich strains. This does not surprise me much. I usually custom blend my herbs for a custom effect that helps my anxiety. So, I do smoke my CBD strains as an on the spot relief option. I also like smoking some of every strain I purchase because I can tell a lot about how it was from just based on how smokes, it's taste and the ash. This cannabis was not flushed properly. It smokes super harsh and tasted awful. It left pure black sooty looking ash instead of nose clean white ash. Just going to make some extract it of it and purify it out that way for ingestion. But still kind of disappointed at how inferior it was . Growers must be presuming that the high CBD strains aren't being smoked much? Dunno, but not worth the mid shelf pricing they have it at.