
member since 2016

Recent Reviews2 total

The Vault - Lake Stevens

Basically one of the worst experiences I have ever had in a dispensary. First of all it took over three min for someone to even notice I was standing in the middle of the room. There was about 7 individuals on staff and two customers, one being me and the other my ride I came in with. So after the very long wait for someone to notice me, and the employees finishing there personal conversation. I was then almost helped by the first person that started talking to me, the reason I say almost is because I asked the young lady if there was any form of GSC on the shelf that being one of my favorite strains, the young lady said very quickly NO nothing cookies... then said oh I do have some edibles!! I laughed and thought she was being funny. I then realized that the girl literally didn't know what she was talking about and Mabey I would ask someone els. So I did obviously nothing had changed about what I wanted so I asked the next "budtender" the same question he said very quickly the same thing, and then actually offered me edibles again. I told both them I would like to speak to someone that know more about there inventory because right next to us as Iam asking the question is a strain called "pearl scout cookies" so I asked to speak to someone that could actually help me and a very nice young man named kaleb stepped up. I honestly was just about to leave I mean both employees of a place I have never bin tell me the same wronge answer. So kaleb begins to walk over to his point of sale system and says before I answer your question let me just look in the system. Now I didn't think he had different training on looking things up ...I just think the first too people really didn't care to help. So after just a few min kaleb returns with about 4 different companies and different variations of GSC I quickly chose 2 of them and began to feel a little better now that this guy was really interested in what makes me happy and what I wa looking for. Well that quickly ended after I asked kaleb what kinda extracts he had, a young lady actually cut him off in a very rude voice and said what are you giving classes to people now.... I was just so shocked that someone would cut off a employee that was trying to go the extra mile for a new customer. I was soo mad at this point that I loudly said well Iam sorry I didn't mean to take up too much of your time. He tried to ensure me that she was just a employee and had no reason to be upset how long he was taking he apologized several times and I simply asked him not to. I didn't want anyone in that store thinking he did bad job. So after all of that terrible experience the manager had over heard me tell the young lady that was ringing me up that I will never be back, he pulled me to the side and asked what had happened I kindly explained my whole experience. He assured he that it would be different next time that they have new people and that he apologized. I excepted that, being he was the manger. The last thing I said was and I would like to tip but your business pull tips and not one person in here deserves anything but the guy that helped me. Kaleb. So the manger asked who I would like my tip Togo to. I thought for a second and not to be rude I I made a point to say. I would have liked to spend more in this store, I actually came in to spend money not to save it. lol I am on vacation and just wanted a good experience. But didn't get it. So I kindly told the manger I just spent 82 dollars in here and would have love to spend more but was cut short by terrible staff, I handed the manger 100 dollars and very loudly said if you allow this I want only kaleb to have this. I will never be back to the vault and that's upsetting I am from Oregon state and my friend lives just down the road from you guys and talks about you all the time. He will not be returning...Hope this is a helpful review to Better understand how to treat people in the future. Would highly recommend any other dispensary. Sorry kaleb you were Awsome . And the bud was great unfortunately I just don't feel good putting anything but one star.. would be none if possible

Nectar - Ashland Main

This place is awesome. Best customer service ever!! Top flight ✈️