
member since 2010

Recent Reviews5 total

Dream Queen

This has become my favorite (my wife's, too). Unfortunately I pretty bought out what was left and have used most of it up. But, this is one excellent strain. The high is perfect and although it is uplifting, it does not keep you awake. As a mater of fact, I found this very good to sleep with. It's relaxing, fun, can make you chatty and hungry, and I couldn't think of a better leaf to enjoy Refer Madness (the original & the musical) with. Currently, if I had to choose one strain out of my entire collection, it would be Dream Queen.

Blue Dream

OUR NEW FAVORITE!!! A Sativa/Indica hybrid leaning mostly toward the Sativa. It's a rather sweet, floral smelling bud. With a vaporizer (325F), the taste is mild - nearly non-existent. The buds are quite small - finger tip sized or smaller - but packs a BIG punch! Previous to trying this strain for the first time, my wife and I had a deep & emotional, personal problems discussion - Major downer. We were also quite tired and it was 11pm. We wanted a little up beat on the evening... It hit her almost immediately and hit me faster than most others. We went from bummed to happy and energetic in no time. ALL of our previous issues were completely forgotten. We had never watched Glory Days before...It was great! So were the commercials. After that we were hooked on Cheaters until 2am. I have never seen my wife laugh so hard for so long - she was 100% pure happiness. [PROS:] Highly uplifting, energetic, euphoric, and fun. A clear headed high. Great for watching funny movies, TV or just commercials. Would also be good for small groups, party games, video games and/or sex (I'm talking about sex for two, but if the whole group wants in...Well, it should be good for that, too). Munchie cravings are low, too. Oh, be prepared to get talkative... [CONS:] This is NOT a stone out, zone out, watch Baraka kinda herb. Don't use it if you want to get some sleep or down an x-large pizza by yourself. And, be prepared to listen to everyone being chatty... [SUMMERY:] This is what I call "getting high". You'll still have lots of functionality and comprehension while you enjoy the fact that absolutely nothing in this world is bad, sad or ugly. You'll be energized, awake and aware. Expect lots of fun and laughter. This is one to be shared with others. Don't be surprised if Blue Dream has become your new favorite, too...

Granddaddy Grape Ape

I got this by the recommendation from Cindy (the sales clerk at my cannabis club). I was dealing with some chronic pain and was looking for something to help... Well, within about 20 minutes of vaping this stuff my pain totally went away. I had been suffering all day long and had taken every kind of over the counter pain meds available - Nuthin'! A few hits of this and I felt great. A couple of weeks later my grown-up adult daughter was suffering from a painful kink in her neck and shoulders all day long. Again, non of the pain killers did anything except irritate her stomach. After a few hits of this, she was pain free and raiding the kitchen. [PROS:] Great for muscle related pain relief. Being mellow, relaxed and chillin'. Allows you to sleep very well. And, lets you stay in a pretty good/happy mood. [CONS:] Not good for operating large machinery or sharp implements (don't ask). [SUMMERY:] This is a typical indica that will slow you down and relax you. It is easy to get a heavy buzz, but you will still have a pretty clear head for normal function and mobility. There is a bit of the happy bug in this bud. So, even if you are totally mellowed out and just zoning out to Dr. Who, you will still be feeling in a good, fun, happy mood and will giggle at the little things (like Burger King commercials - again, don't ask).

Purple Buddha

Vaporized this...We gave this a try expecting it to make us sofa glue. Well, it did! The first effects were some euphoria, skin tingling, and a nice sense of comfort or relaxation. It didn't take much longer for us to realize that we were pretty much stuck to our seats watching BBC's Blue Planet on blu-ray. When I say "sofa glue" and "stuck to our seats" I really mean it. Like most weed, you also get the munchies with this stuff (although very mildly). As it turned out, we were so lazy we didn't have the will to get up to snack or change the DVD. So, we just watched the same episode of the Blue Planet 3 times. Loved it! We ended our evening by staring at the "star" laser light show on our ceiling. That must have been another 3 minutes to an hour...Don't quite know, really. [CON:] Not a good weed for having sex with...you'll have no motivation. Body exploring, maybe, but not sex. :-( [PRO:] Pretty clear headed, super relaxed and lazy, great for sleeping, a total chill pill, good for meditating or zoning to music, light shows, or your own special thoughts. [Summery:] This stuff gets you stoned!


We were both a bit tired and almost ready for bed at 9:30pm, but after just a few hits (Vaporizer) we both felt full of energy and wide awake. We were very happy, lively, chatty, full of fun and just having the best time of our lives. Every single worry and stress we had was completely gone - only the good feelings remained. The high lasted well after we went to bed - sometime past 1:30am. Slept great and had some pretty cool dreams, too. Currently our favorite... [PROS:] Probably a good weed to have sex with. Definitely gives you the energy to perform - along with a nice tingly feeling all over your body. If not sex, it's a good party weed...Try playing a party game like Taboo while on this stuff - FUNNY! [CONS:] This is NOT a trance out, meditate, watch Baraka kinda of weed. Please do not attempt such acts with this stuff. [SUMMARY:] This is a get you high, have some fun, give you energy, laugh, joke and play kinda weed...Good for small groups. Goes well with a cold dessert wine (i.e. Mascato)