
member since 2019

Recent Reviews2 total

incredibles - Mint Chill - Mints - 100mg

These are AWFUL! I was expecting something like Lifesavers or something, and instead I got a product from the dispo that's so feckin' strong it's like they're trying to give Altoids a run for their money. I'm on a tight budget and I feel robbed, because I can't take the SUPER strong mint. These things need a warning on them. I can't even comment on how they work as meds, because I hate the taste so much I'm actively avoiding medicating. 0/10 Do NOT Recommend.


Let me preface this review with a little contextual backstory: My old psych noticed I had adverse reactions to everything she prescribed me, so she had my genes tested to see what was up. It turns out, my genetics have produced in me an interesting specimen whose body can't properly metabolize most pharmaceuticals on the market. There's not a single anti-depressant that's safe for me, only two safe opioids, only two safe anti-anxiety meds... The "Danger! Do Not Use!" column under the opioid results contained literally everything that doctors typically prescribe for pain... You get the drift: My body is weird and does weird things that other bodies most likely don't do when exposed to different chemicals. I don't know if genetics has anything to do with how our bodies process cannabinoids. I just wanted to make sure you know that my review is my own personal experience that might also be rather unique. So here goes: This strain had my skin feeling like it was going to crawl off my body and out the front door. I didn't realize it, but it started off light. Only in this case "light" means "That's weird; my hands and arms are tingling and my heart is pounding." It steadily and rapidly got worse and worse until my heart was pounding out of my chest, I was hyperventilating, and I was scared I was about to hit the floor. I honestly can't believe this is listed as being helpful for anxiety. The effects I experienced felt like one of the worst anxiety attacks I've ever gone through. I'm also not going to be able to sleep for hours to come. I've never had such an unpleasant experience with a strain of cannabis. After my stepbrother quit smoking, he told me it was because he'd gotten ahold of some that made him feel like he was having a heart attack and it put him off green for good. At the time, I thought he was just being dramatic. Now that I've tried Chocolope, I no longer doubt him. I have insomnia, anxiety, chronic back pain, depression, and a few other things wrong with me and I honestly can't think of a single thing this strain would help me with. This doesn't feel like cannabis to me. This feels like a strain for someone who wants to experience Adderal without actually doing Adderal. Or, if not Adderal, perhaps a different stronger Upper. Whatever comparison fits best, the fact remains: These effects do not feel like cannabis to me. And again: I fully admit that this could very well just be my weird body doing weird things to me with this, but that's my experience with this strain and it was in no way a good one.