
member since 2018

Recent Reviews2 total


This strain, like almost all others, can affect people differently. I see it rated as sleepy for most, but while it doesn't keep me up at all, it's more of a full body stimulant for me. I'm buzzing all over and I want to socialize or have sex with my wife. My mind is engaged and ready for stimulation. I want to feel warm breezes blowing or smell the salinity of the sea. Just top notch effects. Flavorwise it's like smoking a stick of Juicy Fruit gum. Delicious but intensely aromatic so the whole room will absolutely absorb the aroma. Not very covert, but otherwise it's a winner.

Big Bud

I had low expectations for the effect and taste of this strain due to some of the reviews here. Grew this outdoors in a 10 gallon pot. Easily yielded 1lb despite disposing of a couple of colas due to rot. Smell has some earth, but more lemon and pine than I'd expected. Flavor matches the taste - it's very lightweight, none of the overly damp earth tastes. It's very pleasant, and while it's not one of the newer dessert flavored strains, it has a delicious classic thing going for it. Effect for me is not a "go directly to bed, do not pass go" as I'd thought it would be. There is a lot of euphoria tied to creativity, as if this were a sativa. But it's definitely not got that focused sativa thing going for it. It's stepped back a bit. But for early evenings, this is a perfect fit. It makes a great transition from dinnertime to cleanup to making it onto the couch. Give it a shot if you see it - I was pleasantly surprised.