
member since 2014

Recent Reviews1 total

Sespe Creek Collective

I have to talk about the Treat-ibles, pet meds. THEY REALLY WORK WELL! I have a 10 year old, miniature poodle that I inherited 4 years ago when my mother died. She was 89... he lived his whole life within 2 blocks so he's not well socialized and has incredible separation anxiety and general skittishness. He goes uncontrollably berserk around other dogs, bicycles, skate boards and motor cycles. No peace sitting at Coffee Bean enjoying the sunset!! ... Until Treat-ibles! One biscuit per 10 pounds, so I first gave him 4 and it was amazing, the results were. Two motorcycles pulled up along side us in the car and he started up ... but all I had to do was tell him know and tug his leash and he calmed right down (a first) and just looked at them (unimaginable!!). He was a bit overdosed though. There is no THC/psychoactive high in these but he was kinda zoned out beyond necessity. the next day I gave him 3 .... that worked perfectly. Alert and calm. Interested and controllable. I really have to recommend these lovely, healthy, nutritious Pet Meds to anyone that has a dog or cat that is in pain or has difficulty behaving, listening, paying attention or is just plain anxious/nervous. What a godsend these are!