
member since 2019

Recent Reviews1 total


I rate pretty harshly but this strain did me justice. With this strain the smell is pleasant. Was really simply to grind down. The smoke was harsh (most likely due to my return to smoking after a mini haitus & the smoking being donw outside in the cold). You get very waved. You can feel the high THC content. If you into ASMR **** and you watch it after smoking this... nighty night. You feel very euphoric - comoared to the other basic strains. It lasts a few hours. It's best to smoke in moderation and not in one go unless you have high resistance. Smoked a bit too much (a whole joint with no tobacco) and felt a bit groggy and dirty afterwards. Especially after waking up. However, after waking up felt pretty active and got chorse done whilst being a bit robotic/numb if you get what i mean! Also gives you a very dry mouth afterwards so have liquids! Hence only 4 *s given out of 5. Paranoia and anxiety did set in, but most likely due to me smoking over the set limit and facilitated by the weed. Can't remember much at all which is why i did not provide much of a review for looks and smell 😂 I wouldn't recommend for a first timer due to the high THC content, more experienced users will love or loathe this strain. It's dark green vs the average classical strain. Smells potent. Worth trying atleast once.