love love love this strain!♡ takes away my anxiety instantly, and soothes my back pain pretty instantly. it gives me this half asleep/creative state of mind. perfect for creating art, letters or anything really.
wonderful taste, however it puts me in a trance where I sometimes find myself thinking negative thoughts and it spikes my anxiety. other than that it keeps me concentrated yet relaxes my body and helps with my pain
not even a full bowl later, and I feel just so content! with this week being the 5 year anniversary of a death, I have been unwilling to eat, or sleep but this has turned me back into the regular 'samantha' definitely one of my favorites! <3
Although it calms me, it doesn't really get me high. the taste is good, and the smell is strong... however the high isn't as amazing as one would think. the only thing I really enjoy about this strain is that it relaxes me to the point where I can complete my daily tasks and keep me from being sleepy and knocking out
awesome smoke! it definitely sneaks up on you, out of no where I found myself laughing at absolutely nothing, it was refreahing. it kept mw.relaxed enough to hand my anxiety, while keeping me active enough to enjoy the social setting I was in.
really great for a social smoke! however I would need another strain for bedtime, and if my anxiety is bad that day u probably wouldn't smoke this. great for getting out of your "shell", heightens hearing