
member since 2015

Recent Reviews26 total

Lemon Tree

now this was the lemon strain I was looking for.

Blue Lights

Easily THE single strongest Indica I have ever medicated with. Grab your pillows because you are going night night time, for a LONG time. Also mixes very well in small amounts with other hybrids with high CBD content. But seriously, if you want to sleep... this is your strain. Chronic insomniacs- get some zzzzzz at last.

Sour Poison

I know this one as Durban Sour. Or at least that's what the local dispensary is selling it as. Either way, HELLLLLOOOO NURSE! This takes all the energy of Durban and combines it with that slightly psychedelic effect Sour Diesel can give to create what is probably the most tippy weed I've ever had. THIS STUFF IS STRONG. Like... being hit with a literal brick s-house, know what I mean? Make sure your belt is tightened and you have something to do... because Oz is beckoning, Dorothy.

Bubba OG

Have you ever climbed inside a giant teddy bear on a cold day?Taken your lightsaber and slit that sucker open like a Taunton and crawled into the warm, fluffy stuffing and away from all the cold, pain and stress? More in a Star Wars way and less like that creep ass Bjork video? This bud is like that.

Dark Star

He ain't heavy... he's my brother... unless he's been smoking Darkstar. Then it's like trying to shift Jupiter from orbit. Heavy, heavy indica. Only one I've found that will reliably put me down and put me OUT. Taste is... alright, it tastes like shit. Specifically, you get pine, lime, wood and then chemical/plastic on the end. So no, this is not a tasty herb. Unless you like smoking those little green tree air freshers. That said, this is now my go to night time med. No aftereffects to speak of, Darkstar is well named and we'll worth trying if you're looking for some heavy indica goodness.


This strain is best summed up thusly: "Fuuuuuccck." Tastes exactly like the name suggests. Hits like the proverbial 800lb gorilla in that name.

Lemon Skunk

First, I now know what "dank" means. Second, you're going to have trouble even getting this into the pipe/vape/papers/whatever... because your nose is going to be stuck to whatever container this lemon scented wonderbud is in. Seriously, this stuff SMELLS GREAT. Taste, not so much; but I think that's probably because I used flower and not my usual concentrate. In concentrate form... the terps and taste should be through the roof. Lipsmackingly so. Even losing most of those tasty terps by smoking flower, I can still taste the lemon. Interestingly, it smells sweet, but tastes tart(ish). As to the rest, fairly effective pain killer. Good daytime and nighttime strain, as you get the best of both worlds with the cerebral sativa high and then in about an hour or so the indica begins to show. Not badly, though- this isn't ass on the couch weed. This is... "sure, I'm game for whatever" weed. Whether that's dancing, hiking, movies, whatever... s'all good. Enough motivation to get things done, but a dreamy headspace can make your attention wander. Indica again, methinks. But... what do you expect from a Skunk? And this is a skunk... the type of skunk you smoked in the late 80's to get STONED. Remember STONED? Not like this, you don't. This was the kind of stoned that finds you driving through the forest listening to U2 and Peter Gabriel and the next thing you know it's 3 hours later and you're scarfing down a plate of the house special at some hole in the wall roadside café. They have the best damn pie you're ever going to eat, and you'll never find the place again once you leave because you just ate breakfast in Brigadoon. You'll dream of that goddamn pie for years, waking up in the middle of the night with a craving so intense you could scream. True story, that. Regardless, it's LEMON! It's SKUNK! What the hell are you waiting for? Hits/Tokes to effect: 4/5 (Flower) Cough Level: Smooth, but it's Skunk. There's always that one BIG hit that catches you by surprise when it expands... Legs: 3 to 4 hours Good for: Day/Night Use Munchies: You're okay until you eat something. Then look out pantry!

Cinderella's Dream

"I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream..." I almost missed attending the ball with this pretty hybrid princess. She's not the Disney sort, though- this girl slides up to you with a knowing twinkle in her eye and a sly grin on her face. You know the look- You want her and she knows you do... but she's going to tease you a bit with her golden locks and her emerald eyes. But then, before you realize it, you're waltzing away the hours- lost in the magnificent music and stunning colors. There's only the two of you, and you exist only for each other in your own private fairytale of happiness. Form: Flower Tokes/Hits to effect: 4 to 5. But consider this is flower and I got 3 sessions from one pre-roll. Taste: Flowery/Light Cough Level: Smooth as sex on a satin sheet Final Verdict: Recommended


AK-47. The name conjures images of Rambo mowing down redneck republicans while screaming "they drew first blood, sarge!" Fortunately, while AK-47 certainly has the power of its namesake, you won't be experiencing Sly Stallone dripping sweat all over you. A good balanced hybrid, I would judge this about an even 50/50 between the sativa and indica effects. The head space is good- mellow, pleasant but motivated. The body effects are just enough to be there- killing your pain, but not your motivations. Taste is actually rather complex- skunk and floral notes compete with a curious earthiness at the back of your throat while a sweet sensation covers your tongue as the thick smoke curls and expands. Speaking of that smoke... this is a cougher. After repeated use, I noticed a pronounced harshness/menthol feeling at the back of the throat. Maybe this was because I had shatter than flower... but it was unpleasant enough that a beverage is a required accessory when medicating. Didn't stop me though, and I even went back for a second batch. That says something. Not stellar, but a very good everyday "go-to" that does what it should. All in all, a very pleasant and well balanced hybrid that effectively riddles your pain and stress with a barrage of semi-automatic bullets... without leaving you bleeding out in the dirt from a sucking chest wound. Form: Concentrate (HYH Society Shatter) Tokes/Hits to effect: 3 to 4 Taste: Skunk/Flower/Earth/Menthol Cough Level: Well, I only need one lung anyway... Final Verdict: Recommended.

Willy's Wonder

Hardcore Indica. Easily the equal of Northern Lights, but puts you down with more of a bat upside the head than a feather pillow. Sweet and... well, tangy? This Wonder creeps a tad, but buckle up for the long run, because the body effects have LEGS. Good mellow euphoric head effects, perfect for zoning out at the end of a long hard day. Warning: NOT FOR THE NEW USER. This stuff is very strong and easily has the heaviest body effects of any strain I've tried yet. Other reviews speak of staggering around and that's pretty damn accurate. The upside is that there is no let-down or hangover present here. Very clean, very enjoyable and does it's job equally as well as the toxic crap your doctor is trying to hook you on. You're not going to stress, worry or feel pain with William's Wonder. You are, however, going to eat EVERYTHING within reach, your kitchen, your neighbors house... presuming you can get up to begin with. Form: Concentrate (HYH Society Shatter) Tokes/Hits to effect: 2 to 3 Taste: Sweet/Tangy Cough Level: Did I just take a hit or not?