
member since 2014

Recent Reviews12 total

Durban Poison

Interesting. I've had some Durban as flowers and as an O-Pen-Vape clear 250mg cartridge. It does seem to have a characteristic smell. And effect. And it's a great strain. Not that I agree with the "Espresso of Cannabis" description, because it's not THAT wakey. Want REALLY wakey, try Red Congolese. Or just some good Sour Diesel. This Durban is more like a sort of Humboldt Coffee, by analogy to Irish Coffee. Up with a down. If ever a strain was tubular, this is it. I don't feel a hard Sativa edge to it. No anxiety, and mercifully no scrambled brains. Smooth; the tube takes you to a better place. Is it suitable wake and bake material? The phenos I have sampled are perhaps a bit laid back for that, but it's not stoned-stoopid. And did I mention it was, like, tubular? It's positive. It's compatible with creative work. It sometimes hits me with a sort of mini couch-lock in motion, where you bring the couch with you, and it lasts just a few frames. A little like the way Green Crack blanks ya out for a minute (or longer) here and there, but with Durban it's very very brief. I still suspect that pushing the dosage would cause a bona fide couch-lock. So the Durbans I've met are not a typical Sativa type, where the end of the line is paranoia. Yet people have described it as mercilessly Sativa. Huh. I'm not so sure all of us Durban fans are talking about the same strain. Especially since it's one of the alleged elements in the legendary but inconsistent Girl Scout Cookies, into which so much unknown 2014 weed would miraculously transform, when it came time to market. It's perhaps just an exceptionally variable strain. But almost EVERYONE seems to love it.

Cherry Kush

I'm One to believe "there can be only One". And a good concentrate just needs one chance to step up to "the plate". One sniff, One look. One dab on a homemade Kanthal micro vaporizer coil with a stainless steel mesh wick. And if it's as good as this Chery Kush Oil you lean back, and you know you've found yourself One nice corner of the Cannabis phenotype map. Though I'm a big fan of the so-called "Sativa" branch, with its stimulating profile, I'm forever looking for the perfect pheno among the Diesels, the Durbans, the Red Congolese, THAT neck of the woods. So how about an Indica, one with less personality than most? One that will let you be yourself, but just a better yourself. Not a stoned, and not a rushed yourself. Not having to pilot through a periscope self. And certainly not a confused, brain salad kind of yourself. Just a mellower extrusion of your best self. Well, here's One: Cherry Kush. As one other reviewer said, and I paraphrase, if you're the kind who gets paranoid, I promise you this one won't do it. Agreed. I do rather like the "me" this brings out, the body sensation is divinely heavy, muscles and nerves like after a massage. Racing? no. Confused? no. Giggly or Social? no. Colors and sounds do pop. The mind is working well. The world seems more right. Sleepy? No, later. Working to extrapolate, holding another (serious) toke, strong urge to cough, it feels like a blanket, the mind slows, and there's sleep ahead. I'd say the last stops on the line for this strain would be couch-lock, then maybe sleep. Just like any Indica, but really sweet. I do detect a light and unobtrusive headache above the temples. Summary? A lovely Indica oil with a non-dominant personality, a helper. Mellow, friendly & engaging, brightens senses, colors, a great evening cannabis, with a rich flavor.


This is a strong "sativa". A lot of THC, little of the other compounds to balance it. Can't give a detailed loving description, as one hit of a clear CC Trainwreck yellow oil and it went on my "to avoid" list. It's like those "this is your brain on ..." commercials. Confused and paranoid is how it hit me. I went looking in the stash and fortunately found some high CBD flowers to slap that byatch down with. The one application I can see for this is getting demented with friends you trust.


Nice dark flavorful Gorilla Glue Oil. I'm dabbing some on a sore inside a nostril, so the whole world smells sweet & dank. This is a subtle Gorilla. Maybe it's Gorilla Glue #6 ;-). It's serious medicine, I don't think it's for the get-fucked-up crowd : because the effect is so specific. I don't really notice the (78%) THC so much. It's rather masked or antagonized by other components. So there's no squirrel cage shutter-flutter, no anxieties, no confusion, and some might say "no high". For social anxiety, it would be a good choice. It's balanced, more on the Indica side -- that unquestionably comes through with a good body melt, and I can believe the reports of couch lock w/ large amounts. Thing is, I wouldn't dream of wasting it that way. In small amounts it's a blessing for those living with pain. I know pain, and I know remedies. This is the most atypical cannabis I've ever sampled, because it almost feels like puffs of ope, but with a somehow smarter, more benign analgesia than w/ Rx analgesics. Not a simple thing. But it works calm and measured, positive mood, not fake-euphoric, and with significant pain relief, not limited to the lower spine/legs/back. Pretty long lasting. After a while I notice a subtle secondary boost, sensory, and very mild "psychedelic" effects come in. Not a sleepy effect, yet good to fall asleep on. I haven't fully figured it out; it's intriguing. On the negatives, well, De Quincy would say who cares, but it's clearly not a party strain. I'd add that it's not as clear-headed as e.g. my favorite Diesels. It lasts, but as it decays I get a smidge fuzzy and sleepy, with a touch of headache, eyes a bit redder than I'd have guessed (so it's relaxing blood vessels). Focus? With the Gorilla, I can focus on tasks, get a little side-tracked, not feeling lightning bright, but keep going. The unusual pain relief allows all sorts of miraculous tricks, like walking around without wincing, and fully enjoying exploring the planet. A good one to keep in a vape pen for as-needed relief.

Purple Diesel

To the cognoscenti, the name says a lot. It's a Diesel with a purple Indica back. I found this in Eureka, I was driving through. The address and GPS took me to a shoe shop with a relatively surly occupant. I waited patiently as he whipped a customer into shape over the phone, laying down the law on shoeology. They sell serious footwear. Having driven in nano-clean from Canada, crossing dangerous regions like Montana and Idaho where they have firing squads for people like us, I was willing to go along with anyone's method. But I was trying to grasp the situation, imagining old Cerberus pulling a curtain aside, revealing rows of mason jars of medicinal buds in the closet, above the boots. He finally got off the phone and cracked his massive head towards me. I tried "collective" ... he gave me a chilling visual evaluation and said "I thought so. The pot shop. In the back". I asked why he "thought so", but he wasn't going there. It was clear he knew the drill. "Out back". I was happy to find the crew out back gentle and scattered. Lots of kids and a mother hen. They even had half-grams. I got several to try, including the dread Green Crack that they apologetically also called green something harmless. But one of my better purchases was a sun-grown and desiccated Purple Diesel. A Diesel - up, focused, energetic - with sedative and body melt notes. That's a complicated hybrid. Imagine a driving, four on the floor, synthy Electronic Dance Music - with a liquid fretless bass line. After the shoe-man, it was just the thing to get us back on the road. It's a composition I swore I'd be checking out again. I've encountered it since then as "Purple D", need to study it some more.

Blue Dream

I can see why many people would like it. It's strong, it's intoxicating, and offers a bit of everything, and could be funny in good company. It does a mostly sativa thing, unmitigated THC dominates, with scrambled thoughts, some body relax, some good mood, some sedation, some dreamy poof, some paranoid anxiety. Not for me. I would guess that different phenotypes of Blue Dream could be very different, so I wouldn't cross it off entirely. It's not on my Avoid At All Costs list, like Trainwreck, but if you prefer a more focused head, this one is likely too "recreational" for ya.

Animal Cookies

I was expecting another Sativa hybrid, and this is a lovely Indica. By S and I we're talking about cannabinoid proportions, not necessarily genetics. The weak spot of Indica types being couch-lock followed by sleepiness, a lot of Purple Kushes etc are best saved for bedtime. The great Indicas, like this one, step up with a more focused mental light. No anxious "up", no brick-head, but an honest emotional relax, that wears off into a thoughtful calm. Many hybrids juggle a Sativa head with enough Indica body effect to relieve pain without too much stupor. Some are great compromises. With a good Indica, the Sativa side isn't even necessary. Reminds me of a Master Kush but, not sure how to express this, whereas Master Kush has a narrow but clear tunnel of focus from the body melt, the Animal Cookies offer a "wider POV". At the cost of being a smidge fuzzy, though it could get funny. In small amounts a lovely afternoon mitigator, a few more tokes for a wonderful after-dinner vape.

Sour Diesel

The reason I'm posting this is to steer lower back pain sufferers to at least try Sour Diesel and let us know. I've been chasing the atypical below-the-belt analgesia of Sour Diesel. It must not be universally felt, but for those that get it, it's a godsend. The head is pretty focused and clear, and below the belt it's like a bit of an epidural. I've gotten this effect from Sour Diesel flowers, Full Melt and even SuperMelt. And in weakened form in some related strains, like a generic Sour, OGiesel and Chiesel. In CC Oil it was not as strong, the THC dominates, as if the purification had weakened or cut some essential ingredients. Seems like (again) the natural flower offers the most complete set of ingredients for the best results.

Sour Diesel

The sum of the reviews and "bars" here gives a pretty accurate preview. THAT's great, that we can hunt strains using Leafly's database. And this strain was recognizable in Flower, Wax and Oil. The majority of "up" sativa cannabis can be so "mental" that it easily turns into anxiety and thought-shuffling confusion. Sour Diesel, instead, is comforting. It's also distinctly different from a lot of popular cannabis in that it has a bodily energy built-in. It IS energizing, and not in a silly giggly sort of way. You can focus almost as much as you want/need to, while the senses are expanded. Some (insightful) thought patterns have surprised me, a smidge of psychedelia. Fun with friends. Yet it's got insulation qualities so you can allow your attention to drift, and good muscle relaxation, again not in a typical, sedating way. In fact the energy drive is hard to turn off. Not knowing the source, I might have suspected "lacing". I managed to get a lot done that day - definitely energized. A little THC flutter at higher levels, took a little effort to stay on track. And not recommended at bedtime. Since it didn't knock me off my feet, it first seemed a bit weak, but after a moment, big slow waves of different effects were coming my way. The most surprising thing was how much my sciatica (lower back pinched nerves) pain improved. Not by distraction, as with many sativas, but by something more like a super-indica "real analgesic" effect from the waist down. I was able to walk twice as long as normally, and this effect persisted for hours, longer than expected, even a trace into the next morning. Synergizes well with my Rx pain meds. I'm guessing that this is a specific effect that won't work for everyone. If you're one of the sensitive-to-SD patients with lower back problems, you'll be rewarded ;-) This is definitely a fascinating one to check out, and a good "tool" strain, as opposed to a "state" strain. It's easy to understand why the Diesel derivs are so popular. I suspect it can be a day-long regular for many.

Master Kush

This strain is impressive. I've had it as a horrible-tasting extract garnished w/ mucho Glycols in a ready-filled cartomizer, and as a mediocre wax with a stemmy taste and coughing aplenty. AND STILL IT's been recognizable and it ROCKS, though I can't comment on the natural flower taste yet. Master Kush is low on sativa confusion and paranoia, and strong on that body melt we associate more with indicas. But the head effect is nice too, strong senses, music, visual, interesting mental processes, but with a safe feeling. In many ways it would be a lot like a good Grandaddy Purple except for one important detail: it hands you the control stick, and there's like a tunnel of clarity you can push on in. How much couch lock occurs is up to you, you can take this one different places. It's not madly energetic, but enough to allow activities, and to WANT to do stuff. I'm really looking forward to this strain in a bona fide flower. YAH, in a flower it's the same wonderful GREAT Indica. All the above applies.