Jamaican Lion
Simply a magical strain. Jamaican Lion is a Godsend.
One of the few times that I can honestly say that I agree with the writeup in the Strain Highlights section entirely.
I am giving this strain a 10/10, as I feel that it is perfect.
If you have anxiety, it will lift it away with no paranoia.
Jamaican Lion will leave you happy and uplifted, all while being able to focus. It feels like my usual manic state has been replaced with a Zen-like euphoria. I feel happy, motivated, and while doing errands was able to stay on-task with great concentration.
If you have Depression this will bring your spirits up. I don't think there's any other strain that has managed to do this without causing me to have a slight anxiety attack from feeling so over medicated.
Not to mention, the CBD in this Jamaican Lion is quite high! I can actually feel my bones and aching muscles in my legs feeling less inflamed and sore. It feels like I just took 2 ibuprofen's. I don't even get effects like that from Indica's, which is usually why I medicate with high CBD Indica varieties when feeling achy and sore; Usually though, Indica's just knock me out. Almost useless if you are feeling sore upon waking in the morning, right? Well, Jamaican Lion is like being able to enjoy your most pain relieving Indica without passing-out by lunch.
Jamaican Lion is a strain that I DEFINITELY recommend you try. No matter what your ailment is I think you will find that Jamaican Lion will find a way to lift your spirits up, and carry your pain away...
Ten out of freaking ten. A+