
member since 2016

Recent Reviews14 total


Woke up at 5am on a Saturday with intense anxiety over a dude I recently started seeing. Recognizing the irrational nature of my anxiety, I decided to see if G13 could squash this s**t before it ruined my day. Smoked a small amount and am now blissfully melting into my bed while listening to Schoolboy Q's "Los Awesome" and dancing, while prone, as best as I can. The dude? Still on my mind, but not for all the same anxiety reasons. I feel like the anxiety let go and now I can enjoy thinking about him again. "Do east side LA dudes actually like librarian nerds from OC?" I can now think about this without curling into a ball and wanting to die. Anxiety has greatly lessened. Mind is wondering a bit and Big Boi's "CPU" is playing. Get into it. G13 is pretty pretty pretty good.


High CBD, low THC does NOT mean you are not high. With AC/DC, I feel good, even keeled, and happy. I don't feel "stoned," and I'm perfectly capable of functioning (doing hair for work AND typing this review!). I picked this up for the pain relief qualities. My lower back was really hurting (sacroiliac joint, to be exact), so I took a couple hits before my morning shower. The pain has lessened significantly, though I am still aware of it. Probably a good strain for folks who need to function AND feel good.

Holy Grail Kush

Just took two hits of Holy Grail OG and I feel like I have oozed into another dimension. I'm buzzing, my head is ringing, my eyes are heavy, and if I were interrogated right now I'd squeal on everyone. Truth serum. My head is spinning a little. Sounds are quite distorted, as I can't tell which direction they are coming from. "Is that the sink behind me or a hose out side?" I can't tell. Ibarra the freeway, it sounds like a water fall. Motor skills are very poor. Barely got in bed. Good night.

California Orange

Smoked a moderate amount this morning before starting my day. Eases you nicely into the high and stays for awhile. I feel totally capable of functioning and talking without letting on that I'm high. I made a delicious breakfast, but wasn't interested in overeating, something that happens to me a lot with weed. I feel alert, yet relaxed. Also mildly interested in a nap after a bit of reading. Not a bad option for a Saturday afternoon!

Holy Grail Kush

Thank goodness for Holy Grail. I smoked this about an hour after making the mistake of smoking a sativa. I was feeling anxious and annoyed and Holy Grail brought me right back down where I needed to be. I feel less pain in my usual spots. My body feels relaxed overall. Won't have any trouble sleeping tonight, I can tell. I'm enjoying a body high but few a slight headache coming on.


Tangerine is great for day use. It makes me friendly and appropriately outgoing. I can focus on tasks and I feel incredibly creative. Kills nausea, but doesn't really kill my lower back pain. I can smoke this while working (discreetly on a break, of course) and stay on task. I don't get too bummed when I come down either, so that's a plus. Great for stress.

Super Silver Haze

UGH. Usually I love anything with "Silver Haze" in it, but I think I've realized that anything with "Super" in it isn't very super for me. I feel dizzy, nauseated, anxious, bored. It's awful. Would not recommend to anyone prone to anxiety.

Purple Urkle

Smoked some of this around 2pm and took a lovely nap till around 5pm. After I smoked but before I fell asleep, I felt very relaxed. The sales associate at the dispensary described the experience she gets as "red wine mellow." That's exactly what this was like. I felt safe, warm, snuggled. I had a few text convos with friends before I drifted off into a good, hard sleep. I did not wake up groggy.

Alien OG

I got home from the emergency room 5 hours ago. Symptoms: flank pain so intense that I barfed. Diagnosis: 5mm kidney stone. Cool. Smoked some Alien OG about 10 mins ago and I'm laying on my bed listening to music. I feel only a little pain and my body is very relaxed. Everything is vibrating. I feel sleepy, but it is closer to a deep relaxation than an actual need for sleep. Very nice body high and equally amazing head high. Creative thoughts are flowing frequently and I'm feeling very tactile; I'm moving and grinding to the best of my music and feel turned on. Totally forgot about that kidney stone until I reread this text for typos. Gonna say this is a win.

Northern Lights

I WISH Northern Lights did for me what it did for other reviewers. Willing to try it again, perhaps from a different dispensary, but I currently remain unimpressed. I found this strain to be weak on all accounts and I just felt groggy. Might not kick it out of bed if it were offered in the future, but I better already be in bed and ready for a bad night's sleep, because that's all this stuff is good for.