
member since 2017

Recent Reviews2 total


I'm sorry for this but, this weed is by far the worst I have ever had. I would honestly prefer to have a corner piece of mexican dirt weed instead of this. soon as I smelt it the very first thought I had of it was alphapha being cut. it does not have a citrus smell. everyone saying how good the high is as well has to be a sale gimmicks because it's nothing special, again, mexican dirt weed. I see why this strain was discounted so much.

Super Silver Haze

This strain, omg this strain. By far my absolute favorite! loaded a bowl in my bong and took a rip as I usually would. only got half the bowl lit before I started choking. the high was an instant reminder of high school, the very first few times I ever tried smoking. gives you a giglly feeling inside with just an overall supergood mood. depression and stress both just melt away.