
member since 2019

Recent Reviews1 total


Hey fellow leafly users! Me and my boyfriend and his brother/my bud just got a new fat ass bong tonight. This was prompted by us deciding to go all out with a healthy 7 grams of this little slice of heaven right here earlier. This is a SUPER functional high (I’m a lightweight and I’m writing this) my boyfriend Robin is about to chef up some chicken piccata, and our boy Ryan is tindering it tf up ready to fuck. We’re all ecstatic as all hell at the moment and love reading other peoples reviews so we decided why the fuck not huh? So smooth, so light, so giggly, so upliftingly beautiful. Definitely a strain you can take a couple fat bong rips off and just be taken to a completely different place motivation wise with complete control. Ryan just said “I’m at candyland right now man” so there’s that. I wanna fucking run around and laugh or something but I’m also super comfy on the floor so idk. Thank you to anyone and everyone who took the time to read this review! We hope you enjoy candyland just as much as we do! Also shits super funny in text to speech apps when you’re high! here’s the link to this one (hopefully it works) Check out Text to Speech https://appsto.re/au/uTDCQ.i