
member since 2011

Recent Reviews9 total

Lemon Diesel

Picked up a batch of this to shoot for a dispensary in san jose... Imedz, specifically. this cut came from a grower who is obviously more concerned about quality vs. quantity. the looks, the smell, the high were all superb. i give this cut of this strain a solid 10/10. it kind of doesn't smell like weed, but more like a pungent sweet lemon peel/zest with sugary piney overtones and a subtle hint of skunk. the taste is exactly how it smells, and will go fabulous in a joint. i get really excited when i smoke this, it definitely triggers something. this cut of lemon diesel has me feeling things iv'e never felt when smoking cannabis. i got a sort of butterflies in the stomach giddy childish excitement that flared as i started to peak, and i was intently focused on editing my shot of the strain found in the image gallery (you'll know it when you see it) definitely good for depression, anxiety, and social problems, a go-getter if you will. a potent strain for sure. i took a sample hit (75mg/.075g) since i had work soon, and prefer to work when im not blazed. a buzz is alright, but i like to stay focused, so a simple little hitter will keep me grounded with my head straight and clear. this cut was super clean, really amazing quality of high, it has a crispness to it that sets it apart from other strains as well as some physical attributes, like the 'butterflies'. smoking this cut was definitely an experience, rather than just another medicating session. it was something new to be admired. anyway, the cut i picked up is super solid, this grower is champ at what he does, super clean, 100% organic, smelly, tasty, the high was perfection. maybe not this strain, but this cut of this strain is def in my top 10, maybe top 5. LOOKS 10/10 (grower doesnt touch the buds with his hands... trim job is perfection) SMELL 10/10 best smelling batch iv'e ever smelled. has that 'the power of pine sol, baby' effect. BUZZ 10/10 BUZZ LENGTH: 2-3 hours 10/10

Jupiter OG

I'm a huge fan of the planetary strains. Unfortunately, the Jupiter is not one of my favs. Top 25 maybe, but I smoke 90% A+ grade or better. I find it strange given that the Pluto, Mars, and Saturn all fall in my top 5, the Saturn and Mars tying at number 1, and Pluto making the top 5 somewhere. Enough about those, lets talk about the saturn- Over-all, this is a solid strain. Very nice, heavy hitting INDICA. Good for storming creative ideas, not so great for executing them. If your a creative type, while it does let your mind wander and explore areas of spontaneous thoughts and wonder, it does have its way of leaving you with a short attention span due to its relative ease of forgetfulness. The physical effects start out strong in the head, moving its way through the neck and gradually making its way through the body. This medicine is great for insomnia, eating disorders, and pain relief. This is a strong strain, so you may want to take it easy. Too much of this stuff could result in dizziness and disorientation. Not a so much a social strain. Great for watching movies... This is what I refer to as "good for nothing weed", cause its good for not doing anything. Just relax, and let it work its magic! Over-all i give this strain an 8/10. I find it funny how some people call it a sativa, but then mention how they passed out 1 hour later for a strain review labeled 'Indica'. *giggles* tee hee! THAT MAKES ME SO ANGRY!!! >.< whatevs. im not really angry, actually. hahalol!


Very nice creeper high... at first you don't really even get that initial buzz (i have a high tolerance, so i can only speak for myself) but after about 5 minutes or so it starts to kick in for me. at first i almost thought it wasnt even doing anything, but i waited it out... 1/4 gram-bowl bong hit is what i took. after about 20 minutes it was hitting very hard. even though it has an average thc level (16.2%) it hits much harder than i expected... the body buzz is amazing, and makes for a great jo session/sex overall. your head doesnt really trip out much though and music sounds great too... your vision becomes VERY sharp, and almost 3D like... words on my computer seem to pop out and colors are a bit more vivid. its really cool to do creative stuff in photoshop... ive attached my pic in the gallery for you guys to see... 1 edited and 1 not (well it is, but retouched, not creatively)

Lemon Kush


Lemon Kush

ok, first off im writing this review for several strains i guess, cause i wasnt smoking lemon kush exclusively, so i guess this is a little walk through of my experience... first in the night, around 730 or so, i took a fairly nice rip of some blue dream that i have. about 2 hours later, i took another fairly large hit of J-1 (jack herer crossed with something else... forgot what its called) and about an hour after that i took a pretty large hit of lemon kush... about half a gram worth or so. thats when it hit me... holy shit so heres where my story begins... first id like to cap off that (im assuming) in large doses lemon kush is seriously really trippy. i never felt like this or experienced this before with marijuana alone, but ill explain that... ok- so first off almost instantly (about 5 mins after i hit it) i felt as if i was spinning vertically. i wasnt dizzy, but i felt like i was suspended in air doing flips. i then got a really groovy wavy feeling with a nice body tingle. sometimes when my body tingles it feels very small in size, like pin needles, but painless of course, but the point of tingling are usually that size.. in this case it felt more like nails. it was super relaxing, and as i was watching the tv there was stardust around the tv screen. (stardust is my term for the multi-colored glow that appears around bright things in the dark, usually screens cause it looks like distorted rainbow glittery stuff that shimmers... stardust. woot!) this is pretty typical if im high enough. it was similar to Demerol and vicoden with a crazy thc high thrown in. i started to get hungry about 30 minutes later, so like traditionally do when im gonna make something i take another hit... this one was just as big as the last. wow, ok this is where it get trippy... my head was totally tripping out, similar to LSD (lysergic acid, not the marijuana strain) in the way that your mind works and thinks. you cannot control your thoughts, you just have to ride them out and enjoy it. im not saying i was hallucinating like LSD, cause i wasnt, im saying my thoughts were similar to that while under the influence of LSD. (im eating at this point btw)... soon thereafter it was as if i was an observer looking in at my thoughts. past dreams and experiences from long long ago were resurfacing and i was feeling them and watching them (with my minds eye) unfold before me. they only lasted about 1 minute, but felt like i had been living in each one of those thoughts for an hour or so. i went through about 10-15 'psycho-visions' until i eventually put on some solar fields (movements) and zoned out. it was one of the most intense psychological experiences i have ever had. i just find it really bizzare cause ive never had that happen to me while smoking marijuana alone. needless to say, it was friggin awesome! was definitely a positive self explorational experience. but like how i started this review, i posted the other strains that i smoked before i hit this, so i cannot say that it was just the lemon kush, but i smoked about the double the lemon kush than the other two combined. i smoked A LOT of the lemon kush at once, but as we all know mixing strains can produce drastically different results, but hey, it doesnt hurt to experiment. happy smokin!

Sour Diesel

sour diesel by default has been a favorite of mine... i picked up an eighth from sparc. the whiff at first was identical to that of coffee and on a closer smell was more like the classic diesel smell with strong accents of flowers. more on the flower side. very sweet smelling. like flowery coffee. haha! very nice. the high is very nice, excellent body high similar to that of floating on a water bed. hallucinations are mild, but things seem to look rounded as if my vision was filtered with a wide angle lens. minor tracers follow as well. overall, this is on my top 5 for sure. i have always been a huge fan of sour diesel, and this most recent strain from sparc does NOT dissapoint. very smooth. the smoke however is not. quite harsh, but then i was smoking it from a pipe vs. a bong. oh, and the smoke has a piney scent to it as well. overall 8.5/9 out of 10

Jack Herer

Some pretty strong stuff here... first it kicks in fairly fast, after only a few seconds, but the high doesnt really kick in until after about 3, or 4 minutes. a slow creep till you peak after about 30 mins or so. hard hitting, real heady feeling, with a nice body high. punches you right in the babymaker. haha! in other words, it makes you horny. its a real mellow strain, def in my top 5. great stuff, highly recommended!

Purple Kush

Wow... The Purple Kush i got from SPARC is incredible... I need it so that i can sleep at night, but its a little bit too effective... Im also HIV+. and i take my pills at night. I have grown to the habbit of taking my medication before smoking purple kush because if i dont, i fall asleep with no warning and wake up 6 or 7 hours later with the lights still on and the tv on... haha! so yes, if your looking for some serious sleepy time stuff, get this. incredibly dank and sticky buds. i crushed up my 1/8th about 20 minutes ago, and my finger tips are still slightly sticky. the effect is great and i highly recommend this to anyone looking to tranquilize for the evening. lol! def one of my favs...

Blue Dream

This is some super potent weed. i got mine from sparc sf. they individually test their plants to make sure they are as accurate as possible and the 1/8th i got was rated at a 25.1% TCH level, but i have seen this strain as low as 18% or 19%. definitely not for beginners. I already have a decent tolerance and all I need is 1 or 2 hits and i'm good for about 3-4 hours. effects last as long as 6 hours. i dont get crazy munchies on this stuff, but when they do hit, they can be pretty intense, but after eating something im usually good, unlike other strains that keep me eating all night long. its got a real pleasant body buzz and is pretty heady as well. as intense as the high is, its still very clear headed. i cant really hold too much of a conversation on it mostly due to the fact that i forget what im talking about as im attempting to make a point on something, lol! overall- very potent strain, feels great, sleepy and munchy, with a level of clarity i personally haven't found with many strains. it is however a subtle unique feeling overall.