
member since 2014

Recent Reviews3 total

Green Goods - Bloomington

My 7gs of Candy glue had buds the size of 1 popcorn seed, mixed with other sizes about 2-4 popcorn seeds in size. Appears to be machine trimmed, has rubbed off trichomes, and only trichomes remain in the crevices of the flower. My Chem Fruit Funk has bigger sized small buds all about 10-15 popcorn seeds in size, or about 1-2 grapes in size for reference. Would like to of been able to see the flower before buying to verify the sizes. I think 60-65+ dollars is too much for the very small buds though. Those really tiny buds should just be used for making prerolls, or at least let the customer know they are very small buds, or rename the jars that have really small buds, "popcorn buds" and discount the price. THC% is decent, but I have seen up to 30+% THC from flower in Colorado. Seems like the more THC, the more it costs, and if you don't want small tiny buds, you must pay a premium cost for whole flower. It's a bit of a let down, but its not bad bud, one puff of the Chem and I was good.

Green Goods - Minneapolis

There are many patients and only a few reserve slots for appointment pick ups. Basically the patients are being put in an artificial queue by not being able to order at all because of no reservations slots available, each slot is 15 min. I don’t think it takes 15 min to get the meds but maybe some patients are slow to get in due to a physical disability. So if you are like me and cannot get a reserve slot, we have to play the waiting game and watch the website every day and hope you get a reserve slot. This is a really bad opening in my opinion, but hey we live in minnesota and not Colorado so I really didn’t expect the launch to go well, and from the looks of it, it’s not looking to good. If you got a reserve slot, count your blessings, cuz you got the chance to get your meds. I have been waiting without meds for weeks to save up money for this launch, and since I didn’t click fast enough, I missed the boat. So me and my 400$ I guess are going elsewhere. Was going to get my limit of flower which right now is 10.5 grams. Also I was going to get my refill as usual if 2 g syringe red oil. Been out of oil for close to a month now and did not anticipate that I would not be able to even get oil at this point due to the flood of patients coming to flower. Now I cannot even just get the oil so I at least can get SOMETHING. So now I am at this point FORCED to find meds “by other means”. I missed the boat because I picked all my meds and by the time I chose what I wanted, my account was not saved and had to open a new one, and order again, and then the reserve slots were full. I even set a clock alarm for 9pm to get on my computer to order asap because I have been without meds for weeks. I’m really getting sick of being let down by this program that Minnesota offers us. Boy do I miss living in Colorado. The only reason why I stay in Minnesota is because its where my family is. But it’s hard putting up to knowing what it should be like for legal cannabis medically (coming from living in Colorado for 5 years, before it went recreational, being a medical patient). To coming back to Minnesota and having to mud through this horrendous and expensive and most ridiculous joke of a program that Minnesota offers. I could easily get an oz of bomb flower for under 300$ and then also buy wax shatter and other concentrates In Colorado, and sales for all holidays and 4/20 sale for oz for like 150-200, big savings all the time for holidays and sale days in general on top of med discount and rewards program and it would be enough product to last well over a month. But in minnesota we are time gated and get a trickle down of product with strong limits and the most inaccessible process of getting medical marijuana that I have seen and read about in other legal states and their programs and from experience. This is just sad. I am still glad we at least get a bad program instead of no program. But this is how it will always be in minnesota as long as we allow big corporate marijuana and state regulation to red tape and hinder the only thing we want; relief from our pain and symptoms with proper care and access and less limits. The state is locking in deals with big corporation marijuana companies to not allow mom and pop shops to open up and get licenses to grow and sell medical marijuana, allowing the state and big corp marijuana to monopolize the market and price gouge the patients. Sickening. And where is my option to grow my own and by pass all this garbage? Not legal. Why? Because how will big corp marijuana companies and the states make a profit off us if we grow our own and be sufficient, and self reliant, so we can take care of ourselves and not be dependent of the prices corporations set and regulations and fees. I hope Minnesota turns its leaf on this program.. I guess we have to start somewhere even if it’s as rough as this, but (small bud) seriously? 45-55$ for 3.5gs of small bud? I’m not spending big for your crumbs, and if you want whole flower; one is 75$ for one particular strain for 3.5grams, come on now….. If this is the outlook on pricing…. The street market is gonna continue to thrive in Minnesota. What a shame.. it’s hard to feel like I am really “cared” about as a patient… Feels more like all that’s seen is the dollar signs… What a shame. We still got a long tough road Minnesota. And my heart goes out to all those that cannot afford the “luxury” of Minnesota medical marijuana..

Mob Boss

fat potent sativa buds. I only need two hits of flower for desired effect. more hits makes me feel uplifted and depression diminished. although with most heavy sativas it can trigger my anxiety. so if you have bad anxiety. medicate slowly until you find a good dose for your tolerance