
member since 2020

Recent Reviews3 total


Permafrost from the Nova Dia butt fucked me last night. I've never had such an intense high from just bud before. After hitting from a small bowl it felt like a took a rip off a dab rig. I made my way to the nearest Safeway to get some groceries. The line for the cashier took forever, I must have been waiting for at least 30 minutes, it was terrible. Then right as I get to the register my vision blurs and I can't speak or stand up straight. I nearly passed out and my body went into full panic attack mode. I'd like to note that I have never in my life had this happen to me before. I started sweating profusely as I regained consciousness and was moved aside on a scooter for fat people, as I embarrassedly caught my breathe. I myself am obviously not suited for this potent strain or maybe just the manufacturer. I gave away the rest of my bud to my cousin who I've heard has been smoking it up, so for that reason I don't know if my rating is valid, but for me personally I'll be giving it 3 stars (I've taken it before without this happening). Just wanted to share my own experience.

Alaskan Thunder Fuck

Intense Sativa high with barely any dizziness as I am someone who’s susceptible to that. Only problem with such high THC’s is that they wear off quicker. But very clearheaded without any post-drowsiness as of now.

Hindu Sour

The sativa hits first, then the indica comes later. Got a bit of a head rush and dry eyes, but no cotton mouth. The hybrid is a relaxing feel.