
member since 2020

Recent Reviews3 total

Blackberry Fire

I got this strain as an engagement treat-yo-self gift to enjoy- my, my... Let's start with the taste; herbal, bitter-sweet (like wild blueberries, daisies, mugwort, dandelion) with a pleasant skunkieness that settles into your throat. A tinge of bitter black tea. The cerebral feelings; focused, inspired, balanced, content, relaxed, rejuvenated, quieted The body feelings; tingly, loose [joints, muscles], ache relief, pain relief, comfortable The journey of the high; Dipping you down then bringing you to a level of comfortability- you are alert yet relaxed- happy to just be where ever you are. You could get crafty, or go down a rabbit hole researching something that makes you happy, could be sitting outside just vibing on the patio, or even working from home listening to music that just tickles you. The strain seems to pair well with gardening or doing something with your hands. Then when the peak has been reached and you are slipping out of the high, it brings you down in a comfy 'cat nap' type of feel- you feel sleepy but happy.

Mob Boss

Fitness fanatic here! Mob Boss is my top strains for pre-working out. It hypes you up! Whatever music you listen to becomes your power ballad. You feel like a bad bitch because you're doing your best on this strain. It reduces fatigue in muscles as well as pain allowing you to sneak in more reps, not only that, but it focuses the brain and body together- I tend to feel I focus on form a lot more when I workout on this strain. It has taught me a lot about how my body works and has made me more conscious of my body as a whole. The post workout pain (even after shredding it up on leg day) is significantly reduced when exercising with this strain. It can run away from you though, so make sure you have enough food in you before partaking! It can make the heart race- should that be the case, match your breath to the pounding of your heart paired with an action (on the bike, lifting, whatever.) You will feel super human.

Banana Daddy

Roasting it in the pax 2- Flavors: really brings out the flavors, what hits you first is the body of it; to me, it's creamy and lightly sweet, lends itself on the 'thicc' side. vanilla taste/smell in the nose. An earthy taste/feel in the throat- reminds one of the smells of working in a garden with damp soil. The chestnut flavor completes the gorgeous palette this strain graciously offers us- because chestnut is not a common food people eat where I live, I will tell you what it tastes like: Its as if a pancake that has been lightly drizzled with maple syrup densified like a dwarf star and became the texture of a creamy, half cooked potato. (I foraged some once at an arboretum- roasted them over an open fire. 10/10) The chestnut flavour hits you in the sinuses, nose and ears(?) Body Feelings: Banana Daddy brings you into a physical state of starry relaxation. It feels like you are physically a 'universe being' (ie: being made out of space humanoid) and every star in that area can be felt like delightful sparks and a quiet hum in the soul. It is up there on the list in smokeable cozy tea in regards to physical contentment. I am happy to just be. I do feel a bit floppy, but I think it's making me listen to my body (I've been doing a lot lately and I rage built a custom closet organizer from scratch by hand for the apartment yesterday because I JUST COULDN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE.) It makes me realize I need to actually just sit, relax, have sex, focus and be. You're a human being, not a human doing. Emotional Feelings: I feel open, focused, creative- not quite a quiet feeling inside but it's a more energizing and grounding sound; picture a sitting in a cozy couch in a cafe - away from all the hubbub of the main shop- like a little study area, the window is open letting in the sounds of birds outside, the rain and you can hear people talking quietly, reading, typing etc. Perhaps you also get a touch of sentimentality- but not sentimentality tinged with sadness- its more like a fond meeting of the memory. I feel steady, happy, calm and motivated. In Addition: I am super stoned right now as I have been smoking the entire time while I wrote all of that. just got inspired to go sketch out the comic idea I have had in my head for a long ass time. My partner is making some food, I can't wait to eat- I also wish I had those Trader Joe's chili lime rolled tortilla chips. If you haven't tried those, get your ass to a TJ's. I am content, relaxed,