
member since 2014

Recent Reviews1 total

Pagosa Therapeutics Dispensary & Live CannaGrow

$140 quarters for "out of area" $100 or so for locals within 80 miles 40% more because you chose to go to pagosa to get rec? yikes. Prerolls $20! yikes again. keep in mind that most prerolls are from shake.. just like telluride who sells them at $10 caviar was something like $35/g! again why? telluride and other places are selling caviar for just above $20/gram. I can easily purchase a half oz a week between the wife and I but refuse to pay the extra $80 just because we arent within 80 miles of pagosa. Seems to me like some price gouging and taking full advantage of customers outside pagosa. I guess this is turning into more and more of a business instead of a lifestyle. greed is going to ruin what colorado has made. wont go back to pagosa until the prices are reasonable. They said they are competitive with telluride. not even close. yes the buds are good but I can find the same on the other side of the mountain. same mileage from me, same amount of gas and I don't have to pay a penalty for living too far away. quality is good but again until prices are right id boycott pagosa. show the owners that its not right to gouge just because you feel you can. you'd make more money in the long run being fair. oh yeah and be ready if you dont have the plastic child safe bag. they are now charging for that also. I was very very excited to go to pagosa until we got there and saw the prices. paid the price just because we were there already. No wonder they never gave me pricing when I sent a facebook message. If you can get the people from outside 80 miles in the store the chances are they will buy......