
member since 2017

Recent Reviews3 total


Mediocre... Little to no effect. Then again I did a small preroll from the dispensary. Anyhoo, I felt maybe 10 percent more energetic for about 20 min. I really barely noticed a difference, no real high or euphoria or anything else. One preroll to me was equivalent to drinking half an energy drink. Meh. Don't think I will get this Again.

Kandy Kush

Me and one other person shared one kandy kush pre roll, and smoked the whole thing together. Wowza! Amazing! Both of us are beginners and started taking mmj for pain management. As we were smoking the effects started coming on... Feeling like we saw everything and felt everything in HD. After we came inside, I did laundry, and felt like I did laundry better? Weird to say but that normal dread that hits when u have to do house chores didn't hit me. I felt like okay! I'm going to do house chores! And felt so much more aware and capable doing them. And I thought to myself A. My life is really mundane lol. B. This is definitely the weed talking. The effects amazingly felt like it lasted for an hour or 2. At the height of the high, I felt less pain, more talkative, analyzing things, and just like a more efficient human if that makes sense? After those effects wore off, I still felt numbness/tingling in the places I normally have pain (heels, knees). I would touch my heel in the part that normally hurts and didn't feel the pain. Just the pressure from my finger. The pain really melted away. I would 100% do kandy kush again. I had so much fun using it. The person I did it with said they did get a lil paranoid, but that might just be them because I didn't feel that at all. The negative effects I felt were mostly dry eye and a little thirsty. The person I did it with said they didn't think it helped them with pain (they have back pain) but then they sat on the couch with me for 2 hours just fine when they normally can't sit for more than 20minutes. They were just fine sitting there and after a few hours as the pain relief started wearing off (around the same time mine was) THEN they started fidgeting and groaning and being in pain. Why weren't they acting like that before? So I told them "see, it DID help your pain, even if you didn't realize it because look how much pain you are in now compared to the last 2 hours. You weren't fidgeting like this the last few hours!" and they were like "I guess so" lol. Sometimes you have to point things out. Anyway I highly recommend. I can't wait to go buy some kandy kush bud now!

White Widow

Smoked smooth, not too strong, as a beginner I felt it was just right. Good, smooth, smoke. I never felt paranoid or any bad feelings at all. Didn't make me sick. Didn't relieve pain really either BUT: After I hit it I started feeling in about 30 minutes that I had this zest for life and intense happy feelings and positivity! And energy as well. Like everything I did no matter how mundane I did with gusto! Right after we smoked some, we watched a movie we had watched previously and didn't understand, but this time being high, we understood everything. The movie made so much more sense! I felt like someone taped my eyes open like I was staring at everything like hyper focused. Like in the cartoons when the cartoon character sees a cutie and their eyes bulge out... That's me. Lolol. And also I am high while doing this review in case it doesn't make sense haha. This is mild and fun enough for any beginner. Highly recommend. Hahah. That was a double en tendré lol. Okay I should go now. Lolol byeeeee