
member since 2022

Recent Reviews1 total

Electric Lettuce - Eugene

I just got off the phone. I asked the budtender if they included tax in the prices they list. He attempted to give me a run-around about how they don't, because Leafly doesn't allow it, and how I won't see taxes included in any other dispensary's menu either. I don't know if this guy was just the least-informed budtender in town, or if (more likely) he was simply trained to mouth that falsehood, but that's what it is. I informed him that many/most dispensaries do include tax, and his response was telling: no apology or acknowledgement of error, no comment at all beyond a well-rehearsed, phony-friendly "Did you have any other questions, sir?" There are many high-quality and reasonably priced shops in Eugene, operated with integrity and concern for their reputation, to accept attitude and lack of accountability.