VERY NICE STRAIN I've struggled with my weight and most strain's makes you eat gain more. this strain didn't do that as much I would have small portions of food instead of large quantities. So this is a good straight if you struggle with weight issues, at least for me
destroyed made me feel good at the time. A week ago I was 232 lb. I started smoking that strain. I gained 25 lb. so if you looking to get fat Or struggle with your weight
100% this is the strain for you I've struggled with weight issues all my life and this strain really screwed me over....🫤
it's good but I'm prone to headaches so this strain Just gave me a massive headache. I felt the effects. it was fun. it's just they gave me a headache. a bad one
🪼I just started this strain and it🪼 helps a lot helps with my creativity helps distract me from my past. I suffer from severe PTSD and I take three hits of this and then I'm totally fine.
🪼It can make you anxious if you take it and high doses. so like if you want to cancel that out, take some acetaminophen (aspirin)
It will numb down your nerves
at least it does for me 🪼
I love the taste. it's beautiful! it's just I don't like that. it makes me eat. when I do eat I eat chips, tacos, candy unhealthy stuff and gained 25 lb