
member since 2016

Recent Reviews3 total

Your Relief Center

I am so appreciative of all they do. Thank you Kelly for making sure I have what my body requires. You go out of your way to help others and it's much appreciated.

Pine Tar

I have a plethora of diseases. Autonomic Neuropathy is the most dangerous. When I'm not at homeostasis I can't use THC at all. A THC buzz is all Autonomic...happy, hungry, horny, sleepy, rapid heart rate and so on. This is the first strain that I've tried and actually able to handle. I can't smoke due to lung damage from a genetic blood clotting disorder. I decarboxilate it and eat a bit. Within 45 minutes I'm pain free and actually 😆buzzing😆. It is such a mellow high. Laughter, easy to relax & ride it out. ALL other strains won't allow my body to get a buzz. They affect my ANS. This is one that I'd love to grow myself to never run out of. I use and keep CBD on hand in case it hits my ANS hard and for nerve pain. Hashimoto's that mimics MS, Fibromyalgia, Occipital Neuralgia and Autonomic Neuropathy. I deal with pain on a daily basis. Pain which even opioid meds dont touch. This strain is awesome!! Thank you to my favorite Dispensary, Your Relief Center in Davison, MI for selling it and all you do. Much gratitude.


I have lung damage I can't smoke. This strain works so good just decarboxylated ground up mixed with coconut oil to seallow... no extraction processes, no toxins added nothing like that needed.. it works so good on my neurological disorders without having to worry about using alcohol, butane, glycerin or any shit like that which would actually make the damage in my brain worse and illegal here in Michigan. It works so well without being in any concentrate form. No Lyrica or Neurontin (both of which have almost killed me and I had to report to the pharmaceutical companies). I had such bad reactions to those Pharmaceuticals that are full of toxins. It helps my life-threatening neurological disorders in Herb form. It's organic and a hell of a lot safer than the pharmaceutical shit I've been rx in the past. I find that Cannatonic works better than Charlotte's Web. if you have neurological disorders you have to ingest it to get therapy smoking it does not work for neurological disorders, it might help a little bit on pain but not to actually treat and cure diseases in the brain. Quite honestly I don't see where the concentrated oils are such a necessity. I have great relief with the weed itself.. but then again I'm not an epileptic who's having 200 seizures a day either..if it came right down to it and I had to have the concentrated oils I would try to get someone to do the CO2 method which is less toxic and I'd move to Colorado if I had to.