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This review is based off of my experience with a concentrate derived from Querkle. I feel obligated to post my thoughts as this was a rather unique strain and while I may not have rated this 5-Stars, certain aspects of the strain most definitely worth making a review for. Due to it being a concentrate, I won't elaborate on appearance, but will on smell, taste, effects, and medical benefits. Smell/Scent - Has a very sweet, candied fruit scent that is crisp and for lack of a better term, "clean". Maybe the word sharp fits as well? Regardless, the smell is most definitely pleasant and while it is easily noticeable, I wouldn't say it's over-powering either. Rating: 8/10 Taste - This is the area where this strain in concentrate form really shines. That same crisp/sharp aspect is very prominent; Almost like you're breathing in extremely fresh, cold air from the top of a mountain. The flavor though is unmistakably white grape to me. Almost as if you opened a jug of Welch's White Grape Juice, put your nose inside of the opening, and took a deep breath from the container. Incredibly distinct and caught me off-guard to say the least. The terpene profile is firmly in my Top 3 for Fruity/Sweet strains and easily in my Top 5-7 of all strains I've consumed (and I have sampled at least 100, and that is being conservative). If you appreciate the flavors of cannabis and the concentrates derived from them, this needs to be on your list of strains to try, and I was extremely skeptical of this prior to receiving it (not the biggest fan of TGA Subcool Genetics). Rating: 10/10 Effects - As others have eluded, this strain doesn't feel 80/20 indica personally. It does have a solid bit of sedation in the body, but far more cerebral effects than I'm used to from most indica dominant strains. Based on my experiences, I'd say my body reacts to it more like a 50/50 hybrid. We all have different bodies and will react differently though, but this is just my personal experience. Instead of consuming this at night, I usually will dab it towards the late afternoon/early evening between 3pm-7pm and will instead turn to something much better for me late at night like Purple Kush for example. In low doses this strain helps me focus and keeps my mind working well on a task, but in higher doses it can get quite spacey which turns out to be counterproductive. For this reason, I usually stick to lower doses (again, concentrates) as it does NOT serve my needs as a late evening/night/before bed strain. If it wasn't for the taste/flavor, I honestly don't think I would bother obtaining it again because it really doesn't check off enough boxes for me. Rating: 4/10 Medical Benefits - As I eluded to earlier, this strain may work much better for others than it has for me. I do experience some pain relief, but not a whole lot. If I'm at an 8 (out of 10) on the pain scale, Querkle is good for a 2 point reduction at best, and that is if I consume a large enough amount that the spacey effects start interfering with my day-to-day activities. To be completely honest, I don't think there is a single medical benefit that I can claim this is great for personally. I wouldn't use it for insomnia. If you have anxiety, I would start off on lower doses. Appetite stimulation & as an anti-inflammatory may be it's best medical benefits, but that is just me spit-balling. Rating: 2/10 I'm not saying it's a poor strain by any means and there may be a bunch of people that this strain is an absolute miracle for, but it's merely an amazing tasting strain for me and honestly, nothing more. The taste is so amazing though that for that reason alone, I will continue picking it up on occasion as a rotational concentrate used in conjunction with strains that actually benefit my medical conditions. Personal Ideal Use - I think with the terpene profile paired with what I experience, this strain in concentrate form would be absolutely perfect during the Spring months. Find yourself on a cool Spring afternoon with a bit of rain while out hiking or fishing and I think the flavor would really accentuate the experience. I'd just make sure to bring along a couple additional strains that are better suited to my medical needs so that if the need presents itself, I'm not left floating down shits creek with only a Querkle. Overall Rating: 24/40 (60%) 3 of 5 Stars

Purple Berry

I don't often go into local dispensaries here in Washington State as my designated provider usually gives me plenty of cannabis and a good selection of strain at that. With that said, every once in a while I'll visit an establishment to pickup a few grams of 2-4 strains to add to my medicine cabinet to keep a good variety on hand. This was one of those strains that I had to have right when I saw it. Visually, this strain was absolutely gorgeous. Multiple shades of purple that ranged from a dark plum to vivid/bright. One of those strains that is "more furry than frosty", similar to Blackberry Kush & Chocolate Kush in my opinion. Still, so much white across these flowers, it was an incredible strain to look at. Bag appeal was a perfect score regardless of your grading scale and I'm not all that fond of "purple" strains to be honest with you. The aroma was sweet. Nothing too distinct outside of smelling like dank, well grown cannabis. However, that terpene profile was deceptive because as soon as I started combusting it in my bong, the sweet scent had become a candied berry that was extremely smooth with very little expansion. Quite enjoyable to consume. Potency wasn't all that high (still adequate, probably around 18-20% if I had to guess), but the effects were nice, mellow, and clear headed. Overall, this strain was outstanding in the evenings or before bed. Sedative, relaxing, great flavor, and helped my insomnia. A good strain for funny movies before bed, video games, as an appetite stimulant, reading a good book, or even to browse around online and BS on forums. This strain won't make you feel stupid if you go a little overboard on amount you consume and I found myself reaching for this strain almost every night while I had it. Pictures will be included here on Leafly for your enjoyment (will be snapped with a bright blue background, for reference). I hope you all enjoy them as well as the review. If grown well, I highly recommend giving this strain a try.


I had obtained Grapefruit from my provider due to them not having my usual strains in stock a few months back. Their lineup is all outstanding, so I was more than content trying something new. Upon getting home and opening the bag, I was overwhelmed with a strong, bitter citrus aroma that was obviously the cause for it's name. Mouthwatering and almost beckons you to bring your nose closer again for multiple whiffs. Visually, this sample was beautiful. Outstanding trichome production, nice sized & dense nug structure, with shades of green, royal purple, pastel yellow, & burnt orange pistils. The flavor brought with it the same bitter citrus from the scent that was sweet/tart, again, reminiscent of real grapefruit. The effects were extremely sativa with a powerful head change, boost of energy, uplifted mood, increased creativity, focus, and even encouraged me to talk-ramble far more than usual, lol. Overall, this strain is absolutely outstanding. I'm more of an indica guy personally, but this is an incredible strain for wake & bake early in the morning. Roll a joint at night so you can wake up at sunrise with it ready to go (preferably in the Spring as I did). I sat outside on my porch watching the sun come up with a cup of coffee, a cool & fresh breeze on my face, with the sun's glare glistening off the dew still resting on the grass. An absolutely beautiful experience that was greatly improved by the cannabis. I'm sure it would be great in many other situations, but that morning will be embedded within my memory for the rest of my life. I will be picking this strain up again in the Summer for my morning/day time smoke while out on the lake. If you find a well-grown example with the characteristics I listed, pick some up and use it in rotation with 1-2 other strains throughout the day. You'll be happy you did and excited every morning which is something that doesn't happen to me often! Pictures will be posted of the sample I consumed here on Leafly soon (nugs will be set on a bright blue background for quick reference). Enjoy!

Chocolope Kush

Chocolate Kush has been one of the staples in my medicine cabinet for nearly 2 years now. It's an extremely well-rounded hybrid that honestly doesn't seem sativa dominant to me. Maybe I'm consuming a different breeder's Chocolate Kush, but regardless, this strain I keep receiving is wonderful. Effects are mostly in the body for me with a slight head change. Mellow, but not going to knock you out unless you go overboard. Potency isn't it's strong suit, but it's not bad either (regularly within the 18-22% THC range). I consider this one of my cannasseur strains as it tastes amazing, the smoke is as smooth as silk with little expansion, and the effects are great for me anywhere from noon to night (I use a different strain, like a pure indica right before bed). The flavor to me is very earthy with a hint of dry chocolate on the exhale. The best way I can describe it is that it seems as if some Nesquik chocolate powder was lightly sprinkled over the top of the buds. It's faint, but distinct to me. Smell is also outstanding with no hints of chocolate in that aspect, but it does have a sweet sort of characteristic to it along with that same earthy note. Appearance-wise, this strain shines. Extremely similar to Blackberry Kush in that it's more "furry" than "frosty". Coated in white with amazing bag appeal. The nugs are decent in density, size, & structure with shades of green broken apart by purple veins & accents and at times, trichome coverage is so dominant that it appears there's cotton fabric weaved within the nugs' structure. An absolutely beautiful specimen every time I've picked it up. Overall, I personally love this strain. It's not the most potent strain out there, but that's hardly an issue as I keep a decent number of strains in my medicine cabinet for different purposes. I'd say the potency is average with the ability to be good (18-25%, usually on the lower end). This strain is the type you'd want to consume as a treat/reward for yourself. It could be after dinner as a dessert, after a long day of work to release some stress/tension, or even during your day almost as an escape to get your mind right. When grown properly, this strain will always have a place within my medicine cabinet. Edit: For reference, the sample of Chocolate Kush I consumed is up in the photo section and are the nugs with the blue backgrounds. It's from TJ's Organic Gardens and the review before mine seems to mirror my thoughts on this strain from TJ's lineup. Hope this helps anyone in the Pacific Northwest find an amazing representation of this strain. Not overpowering, great flavor, nice effects, and gorgeous. It's my most commonly consumed strain for a reason and unless it's late at night, the sample you get is grown horribly, or you want something extremely potent, you'll likely love this strain.