This does help me sleep. Sometimes it gets me aroused. I like how relaxed it makes me & how it helps with my pain from ra/rd, fibromyalgia, & sjogren's syndrome.
I was told this was a sativa vape. This gives me major munchies, more than any other strain ever has. It does help with pain but it does seem to make me sleepy. If you don't mind eating ALL the time it's great.
This strain gives me a great heady high. Though it's sativa it does help me sleep by helping me zone out enough to forget any pain or anxiety or depression. O use this strain when I don't have to do anything that requires much thought cause it usually hits me pretty hard. I sometimes get a bit dizzy if I do too much at 1 time. It typically doesn't last long when it does.
This is 1 of my top favorites. I can do just a little when I get so I can stay awake when needed or I can do a bit more & be able to relax & go to sleep without trouble. I'll use this again.