Great relaxing but still able to go to dinner high. Leave it around and your kids will be searching under the table looking for the open bag of candy. Smells exactly like cherry listens cough drops remember them?
Relaxing and happyfying. Like blueberry but a bit more mellow and concentrates taste piney fresh wild and free like the wilderness of no return and the salmon river that runs through it. I absolutely love it
Best tasting vape oil I’ve ever had hands down. Tuity f in fruity. Very functional but very high high, kinda like the ever confident yet still confused Johnny Depp in fear and loathing. Love it but it’s expensive cuz I smoke it so fast
Clears the head, gives a jump shot of energy and clarity when dabbing concentrate that slows into a steady, just comfort of mind and soul. No anxiety or worry about a thing. A feeling of whatever happens whenever it won’t be a big deal and everything is groovy. Me like a lot.
Super great fantastic. Energetic but not speedy. Wanna be talking to someone but he like inside your own head, ‘geez I can’t believe I’m so rally, I’m pretty high, I wonder if they think I’m on address or something.’ But can talk clear headed and very functional. Tastes amazing. Will stay in my always around bud file.
I love blue dream. Blueberry has been one of my bestest buds since we met in high school. Blue dream has much of that perfect flavor of blueberry, as well as it’s pain relieving properties. With it being a sativa hybrid, it doesn’t put you to sleep of make your eyes heavy but still mellows you out and feels good very smoothly just like the description says. youll stay awake and part of the conversation. Cool cat chillen feeling for sure, makes activities more fun,
Great for getting up in the morning and getting the aches out to start the day, a quick session with a c99 cartridge will have me feeling good by the end of my shower and overly motivated to make breakfast, pancakes, even waffles it is today! But if you increase dosage a lot it puts you into a nice headspace, and makes colors pop a little, maybe like polarized sunglasses would, but no eye tiredness and still ready to go do stuff.