
member since 2016

Recent Reviews2 total

Granddaddy Purple

GDP is by far my favorite strain of cannabis. I'm highly functional when I'm stoned so I never get couch lock and it's 11:20am here, I'm about a half hour into vaping an 84% cart and I'm looking forward to getting out and about...so it chillaxes me and reduces my anxiety being out in a crowded situation which in a city is basically everywhere. I also have really bad chronic pain with a back problem since I was 17 and it's gotten worse over the years, I'm 44 now, and I just had to have my sixth spinal cortisone epidural, this time in the cervical spine area. NOT fun. So GDP is helping with the pain and soreness. Now being about a 40 minutes into vaping this morning I feel a sort of very tingly head feeling. The pain is zero...being stoned is the ONLY time I am mostly pain free so I appreciate Grandaddy's nurturing spirit. I'm very relaxed but not so much so that I want to go back to sleep, shoulders feel great. Music sounds amazing with GDP...I'm listening to Beethoven's third piano concerto...my friends say I listen to dead people. LOL. I will caution you that GDP likes to creep up on you and surprise you...one minute you're like completely clear and wondering if it was working and the next minute he's says, "BOO! Surprise!!!" and you're on cloud nine. Give it a good 15-20 minutes for it's full effect to kick in is my advice. Oh, as an aside, GDP and sex go very well together as it makes me very tactile...give it a try if you're so inclined, it might have the same effect on you. Welcome Grandaddy to your life and you won't regret it!


This strain is a-maz-ing! I've had it before but not recently...forgot how good it is. Usually GDP is my go-to, nice and relaxing, great for sex too. Anyways, I'm generally not a sativa kinda guy but felt like trying tonight because I read the info on here and I'm supposed to meet a friend in 15 minutes but I'm spending my time that I should be getting ready typing out this review on a tiny assed cell phone keyboard...lol. I had a spinal cortisone epidural injection in my back yesterday and I'm not feeling any pain thanks to this. This strain is great...you can't go wrong. I'm currently feeling a nice warmness, kinda fuzzy feeling, full body pain relief and a little euphoric...about a half hour of vaping. Don't let the name scare you, it's far from a wreck...it's a gentle train ride. Damn, now I have8 minutes to meet her!