Irie Bliss
I was in a near fatal car accident last December that I am still recovering from. While I have been using many of Irie Bliss’ Products to help me as I heal, the specific product I wanted to review today was a game changer for me. It’s from their Special Effects line and it’s called Relief capsules. My accident left me unable to walk and I am still going to physical therapy twice a week to try to regain the ability. It’s a pretty painful process and I’ve been unable to make much progress lately because of it. Enter the Relief capsules. I’ve been looking for an alternative to narcotic painkillers to take before PT so I may push myself through the pain to make more progress. I took enough narcotics during my months in the hospital and rehabilitation center and haven’t used any since being home. It was a path I didn’t want to go back down. And thanks to Irie Bliss, I don’t have to! The Relief caps were exactly what I needed to help me push through. Highly recommended.