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Recent Reviews2 total

Blue Dream

Alright, so picture this: it’s late at night, maybe like 2 AM, and my buddy and I are just chilling on the bed, smoking some **Blue Dream**. We’re both lying there, staring at the ceiling, feeling the usual smooth high starting to creep in. You know how it goes—everything’s nice and mellow, the room feels soft, and the walls are starting to look a little more, uh, wavy than usual. So we’re just vibing, right? Talking about nothing in particular. I think we were debating if cereal is technically soup or something like that. Anyway, suddenly, out of nowhere, the entire room starts glowing. Like, *actually* glowing. I’m talking full-on, blinding white light that feels like it’s coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. We both look at each other like, “Yo… is this the strain? Or…?” Before we can even process what’s happening, we feel this *pull*, like gravity just got turned up to eleven, and the next thing I know, we’re being lifted off the bed. I swear to you, I thought I was about to ascend to another dimension or some wild extraterrestrial nonsense. I remember saying, “Dude, I think we’re getting abducted,” and he just looks at me, eyes wide, and goes, “No way, bro. This is it.” Suddenly, we’re floating in this weird tunnel of light, and I’m hearing what sounds like whale songs mixed with elevator music. It was honestly kind of peaceful, except for the fact that I’m *freaking out*. My buddy? Totally calm. He’s just like, “Yo, this is kinda cool,” while I’m over here trying to figure out if we’re about to be probed or turned into lab rats. Then, just as quickly as it started, we’re in what I can only describe as the inside of a spaceship. Classic UFO vibe—metallic walls, blinking lights, some weird alien technology that looked like it was straight out of an old sci-fi movie. And right in front of us? Two little grey aliens with big ol’ eyes, just staring at us. I swear one of them *winked* at me. My brain is doing backflips trying to make sense of this, but my buddy? He’s all chill and just goes, “Sup?” to the aliens, like we’re in a bar or something. The aliens don’t say a word, just kind of tilt their heads, and then—get this—they hand us a *bong*. A freaking *alien bong*. At this point, I’m too confused to argue, so we both take a hit, and BAM. We’re back on the bed, just lying there, staring at the ceiling like nothing happened. For a solid five minutes, we didn’t say anything. We’re just blinking, trying to figure out if we actually just got abducted by aliens or if that was the most intense Blue Dream trip of our lives. Finally, I break the silence and go, “Dude… what just happened?” And my buddy, without missing a beat, says, “I think we just got blessed by the intergalactic weed gods.” We both burst out laughing, and that’s when I realized it was probably just the Blue Dream messing with us. Or, you know, maybe we *did* get abducted. Who’s to say? Either way, that strain took us on a ride, and I’m not even mad about it.