
member since 2017

Recent Reviews5 total

Death Star

Wow! I'm extremely high after smoking this stuff. Be forewarned that it's a creeper. It's the first time in many years that I have smoked something that made me this high, this euphoric and this relaxed all at once. It doesn't feel like much of an indica, it's more like a hybrid that's closer to a sativa. Great day or night weed. Lot's of fun. This is an all round winner!

Guava Gelato

The weather is beautiful today and I have a lot I needed to get done but I also wanted to get high so I asked my bud-tender what she'd recommend. While we were looking at some sativa flowers the word Gelato caught the corner of my eye on the hybrid shelf. I'm a huge fan of Gelato, it's one of the most potent strains I've tried, so I got an eighth of Guava Gelato and headed straight home. I figured that I probably won't get anything done if I smoked it as soon as I got home so I should wait until tonight. Of course as soon as I got home I abandoned the idea of being productive and decided to get high instead (it just sounded more fun). So I took 4 or 5 (I lost count about 15 seconds after the first one) big bong hits. After doing so, I headed to the couch and grabbed the remote. That's as far as I got. Then after sitting there with the remote pointed at a blank screen for anywhere from 3 to 15 minutes, I became somewhat more aware and realized how high I was. I was friggin' HIGH! I smoked a lot of weed over the last 30 years and took enough acid in college to be a good judge of "high" and I was definitely high. But here's the cool part... That was about 30 minutes ago and now I'm functional and actually getting stuff done. It's weird, I'm still super high but it's like the cognitive part of my brain was switched back on. This is almost the perfect hybrid. I'm motivated but not wired and I'm super high but not brain dead stoned. I think I found a new number one favorite which puts Wedding Cake in second after being in the top spot for about a year! Highest recommendation!

TLC Collective

My all time favorite strain without a doubt is Wedding Cake and when I recently learned that it was a strain created by Jungle Boys and could be found at TLC I made the trip to get some. Because I'm from Pasadena, it's not the most convenient place for me but I'm so glad I made the trip. What an amazing dispensary! The staff was very professional and friendly. I was a first time patient there so I expected to be given a clipboard and told to sit down and fill it out which always seems to take a while but not here... I handed over my recommendation and ID at the counter and while I was standing there she was able to quickly enter my info and let me inside. The layout of the dispensary is amazing. It's wide open and well organized with an express lane for patients who know exactly what they want. It's like a carpool lane to help with lines! Just one example of how efficient they are. Then there's the selection. It's huge! I highly suggest not to use the express line the first time so you can take time and check out the selection because there's A LOT to check out! Hat's off to whoever started this collective. I will definitely make the trek down there (even in traffic). It's well worth it. The Wedding Cake I got was every bit as good as I remember it being. Very impressive strain.

Bruce Banner


Wedding Cake

I took 3 large bong hits about 20 minutes ago.... A+++!! It's been a very long time since I've been this high (with a dash of stoned) and it's a fantastic high! I picked this up today while I was looking for a new sativa to try. During the day I like to smoke something that will both keep me alert and mentally clear. So far, now 40 min after bong hits (and this is all I've written), and I'm definitely alert and thoroughly enjoying the hell out of the strain. I wouldn't smoke it during the day though, not because it makes me tired (I'm completely wired from it) but because my brain simply doesn't function well enough to work (or do much of anything for that matter). I'd recommend starting with 1 or 2 bong hits first and give it about 15 minutes. This is definitely a "creeper" high so be careful. Super fun high balanced with just the right amount of stoned!! I can't say enough about this pot. I'd highly recommend it to anyone who wants to be super stoned but not too tired. I'm really glad I bought it. It may be my new all time favorite weed. Enjoy!