
member since 2020

Recent Reviews2 total

Zen Leaf - Cincinnati (Medical)

Have A Heart - what is happening?!? Stagnant product choices, highest prices in the area now and better selections elsewhere? This is not like you and it’s causing me distress. I don’t want to drive to Dayton or beyond for better selection and pricing but you’re going to force me to. That’s a shame cause you were my favorite

Verilife - Cincinnati (Medical)

Verilife is where I started my journey and With most places I tend to be a loyal and faithful customer, even if my experiences aren’t always perfect. Sadly, today will probably be my last visit to Verilife. I say sadly because there are a couple employees there I enjoy interacting with. I will very much miss Michael. The staff has become short, the atmosphere unwelcoming and the menu widdled down to all the fancy expensive stuff. Thé people like me who come in for medicinal purposes on a tight budget from being disabled, you know, like most of the people who need this service...We can no longer get anything in your dispensary. You offer only fancy cartridge kits and expensive options that many can’t afford, including myself. Today, in my eyes, you’ve fallen into the very corporate greed and influence that we didn’t want to see happen to our dispensaries. Your competition has an entire menu of Under $50 items of VERY HIGH quality. I found this out after I left your place forever today. Sick people aren't usually well off with money FYI.