SWC Prescott (Med)
I like SWC. They have amazing product lines and great prices on different items. As a member of the monthly club I have had difficulty getting in to get my free monthly product with their very limited hours and my crazy work schedule. my chief complaint...BE OPEN EARLIER and LATER those of us that work cannot make it between 12-6pm. extend the hours or sell your license to a business that is more patient friendly. The quality is top notch and the staff are ok. I miss the former crew they took such great care and had so much knowledge. The budtender I had last did not know the difference between sativa and India and when I asked for Mr. nice select he said ewww and I thought... your editorial about my meds is absolitely unneccessary. Aside from the shitty hours and inexperienced and editorializing staff I give it a solid 4 for quality and the staff who are not douches.