
member since 2014

Recent Reviews4 total


Feels like a Sativa for about an hour - hour and a half... After that - BAM! Indica, all the way, night night. ZZZZZ. Unfortunately, I am sick, so I can't say much about the taste, or smell. =/. From what I am able to taste... I get slightly sweet, fruity undertone, over a piney, fresh clean smell, with a slight pungent edge. Produces a thick white smoke, quickly. It makes me cough easily. Pretty groggy feeling, I keep falling asleep as I write this... It makes you feel so relaxed, mellowed out... Where your body just goes limp, and you get such an overwhelming calmness.... Night night!

Cookies and Cream

This strain is AMAZING!! I have a lot of stress/anxiety and I also smoke for my PMDD. It really helps with muscle cramps/soreness. I've also had it help a headache. I have high blood pressure, and it lowered my blood pressure down to around 110/60. This strain completely relaxed and de-stressed me, completely. It took away any anger/frustration/irritation I had, and replaced it with a very peaceful, calm and serene feeling. I was able to relax, watch some tv, surf the net via my phone in bed, without couch locking and passing right out. I was still alert, so it didn't give me an overly stony feeling either. The other times I smoked more, it def helped me go to sleep. I also have pretty bad insomnia. It didn't just knock me out, but more like, let me slip into a nice relaxing sleep. I always wake up feeling refreshed, and rejuvenated after smoking this strain. I also found that it made me feel somewhat... How to put this, erotically charged? Subtly though. It did not give me the munchies either.

Pineapple Express

I feel super light, and airy when smoking PeX. I'm pretty damn happy too. I feel I could be decently talkative, if I had someone to chat with right now. [I'm alone at the moment, but did decided to hit up some people via social media on my phone] so maybe that counts for talkative? I feel very relaxed, mellowed out, chill. Not in a big rush for anything, just wanna take my time. I do feel slightly ... Fidigity. But it's not too big a deal. I am currently sick right now, with a horrible sore throat, and I do not feel any pain at all right now. So great for pain, stress, panic, anxiety, etc. I bet in awhile it'll help me get some sleep as well. :).


Trainwreck is one of my favorite strains so far. I wouldn't so much say that it hits you like a trainwreck, but it definitely does creep up on you after awhile. I'd say it takes 15/30 minutes before you realize you're high. Then, it only gets higher from there. I've found it hits me in stages. But, the feeling of relaxation starts about 15 minutes in. I feel it just wash over me in entirety, and it just makes me feel peaceful, happy, and relaxed. Perfect to come home to after a long or stressful day. For me, the smoke is quite smooth. I'm normally a cougher, as I have asthma, so I find smoking is pretty rough - not this. I'm able to take bigger, deeper hits, without coughing my brains out. I've noticed that it takes awhile to fully knock me out, aka get me to a sleep state. Probably within a couple hours? It does knock me out for a good 4 - 5 hours of sleep, where I'll be dead to the world. Haven't been able to sleep longer than that on it so far, regardless of how much I smoke of it. It doesn't make me super ravenously hungry, but I do crave certain foods about 45 minutes in. Something salty, or sweet usually. I normally smoke out of a water bong, filled with ice/cold water. My hubby and I have found that occasionally it can make you feel quite relaxed/frisky at times as well. :)