Six months ago, I enrolled in the OMMP program to see if cannabis could help with my intractable neuropathic pain. As a newbie, I did my research and sought out the best dispensary I could find, which was Farma on Hawthorne. The staff were very helpful and provided excellent advice regarding effective strains to treat my condition. After a little trial and error, I zeroed in on strains that help the most and now have a regimen that works and has allowed me to reduce the dosages of two side-effect laden anti-seizure pain meds. I was able to completely eliminate another atypical pain med and an anti-anxiety med as well. I couldn't have done it without the good folks at Farma and their assortment of high-CBD flower, concentrates and edibles. If you appreciate a scientific approach to cannabis as medicine, Farma is the place to go. They always keep a spot at the head of the line for OMMP patients, so no worries about the "THC crowd" elbowing out the "CBD crowd."