
member since 2022

Recent Reviews2 total


I smoked this before my usual bedtime routine of yoga, bath, reading, sleep. I sat for an hour straight hyperfixated on ordering a new bathing suit for vacation, something I’ve been putting off for weeks. I was in a good headspace and wondered if instead of doing my yoga if I should get out my laptop and use this focus on something productive and creative for work. Ultimately I decided to stick to my plan but my mind was a little too active during the yoga practice. It kept firing ideas at me when I was supposed to be focused on my body. I’d definitely like to try this for a creative project next time! Really cerebral for me.

Grape Ape

Grape ape is a strain you need when your passive aggressive mom might be mad at you again but you don’t know because she won’t actually tell you if she is. But sometimes she’s just sick and gets depressed and it’s not actually your fault so you’re secretly hoping it’s just that but also you realize this is how your trauma comes up and needs to be healed. So you puff some Grape Ape, take some deep breaths, use your mantra (light, energy, warmth) and come to the revelation that other people’s feelings aren’t your responsibility and remind yourself you’re safe and your body is just trying really hard to protect you but it doesn’t have to because you are safe.