
member since 2017

Recent Reviews3 total

Backpackboyz - Phoenix

Text deal was for a preroll with the purchase of an ounce. Didn't honor the deal because its supposed to be in house sales only and I placed a pick up order. Text specifications didn't say there were restrictions, but deal was not honored. Spoke to supervisor and she didn't do anything.

Health for Life - Crismon

I was given the wrong eighth. I had to call once home because the bag was packed. Thr manager informed me I'd get a free eighth the next time. This free eighth was not notated in my file, so I paid for a strain that made me anxious and feel awful. I'm not a pleased customer..

Curaleaf - Central

The energy of the budtenders here is "swell!" My first time there they were very helpful. I even got there at the end of the day, but there wasn't a single question they didn't answer. I live in the east valley and still travel to this Swell location because of their deals and assistance.