Eden Pharmaceuticals - Midwest City
This place is the best, and has the greatest employees! I don't know what the other reviewers are talking about, sounds like a bunch of Karens wanting special attention and treatment! Literally the review before this one is some woman complaining that a Karen came in and was yelling orders at the clerk, and instead of being understanding and letting the clerk get that belligerent woman out as fast as possible, the reviewer decided to be a Karen too. News flash lady, Pre-rolls take a lot less time than an ounce does, and you spent half the review degrading another customer, you sound like an awful person. I certainly wouldn't want to tell someone that yanked on the door and barged in shouting orders at me to wait while I help another customer, I'd get them out as fast as possible! Sounds like everything was fine until you had to wait because someone else didn't want to, blame the rude customer not the employee or business. Also the reviewer could have stepped in and told the rude customer to wait since they were their first, didn't hear ya say anything about that so you just let it happen and left a rude review, yeah real class act lady. Great place, despicable customers apparently.