CBDV (cannabidivarin)

Cannabidivarin is a minor phytocannabinoid found in cannabis. This lesser-known cannabinoid is non-intoxicating and does not induce a high when consumed. CBDV tends to be found in higher concentrations in cultivars that are high in CBD and low in THC. Emerging evidence indicates that CBDV may offer a number of medicinal benefits, helping to keep nausea at bay, treat behavioral issues associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and ease inflammation.

“Unlike THC, Cannabidivarin is a phytocannabinoid that won’t get you high.”

“There’s evidence that CBDV may help to stave off feelings of nausea.”

What is CBDV?

Cannabidivarin (CBDV) is a pharmacologically active compound found in cannabis. This minor cannabinoid was first isolated in 1969 and research uncovering its properties is still ongoing. CBDV has been likened to CBD as both share a similar molecular structure and are non-intoxicating. 

CBDV is most commonly found in landrace indica cultivars that have developed in their natural habitat and have not been crossbred with other cannabis plants. For this reason, finding strains with high concentrations of CBDV at dispensaries can be challenging as many contemporary cannabis strains have been deliberately crossbred to maximize concentrations of THC. With diverse therapeutic benefits ascribed to CBDV, however, scientific and consumer interest in it are growing.

What are the benefits of CBDV?

Scientists are currently working on unlocking the unique properties of this cannabinoid, which appears to offer an impressive sweep of medicinal benefits.

There’s evidence that CBDV may help in the treatment of behavioral issues and cognitive challenges associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Research suggests that CBDV may work to modulate the excitatory-inhibitory systems within the brain, with positive outcomes for individuals with ASD. 

Similarly, another study suggests that CBDV may have a role to play in treating neurobehavioral issues and memory defects associated with Rett Syndrome, a disorder that induces seizures, issues with speech, and muscle spasticity. 

CBDV also appears to benefit patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a disease characterized by chronic inflammation and skeletal and muscle degeneration. In a 2019 study, researchers found that CBDV helped to ease inflammation, restore muscle function, and even assist with mobility.

CBDV also shows promise as an anti-nausea agent. The cannabinoid appears to bind to the body’s CB1 receptors, inhibiting the nausea response.