Our story

Welcome to Bud Bros, where the passion for cannabis meets the determination of the underdogs. Founded in 2019 by Arizona locals Nick and Cody, who, like many, harbored dreams of entering the cannabis industry but faced the challenge of breaking into a guarded realm dominated by deep pockets.

Fueled by the desire to overcome financial constraints, Nick and Cody embraced the “boots on the ground” approach. No million-dollar budgets, just a relentless work ethic and a commitment to crafting the absolute best products without ever cutting corners. Enter Jay, joining the journey a few months later, further solidifying the Bud Bros team.

Born and raised in Arizona, we know the heartbeat of the community, and we’ve remained true to our hometown roots. Starting with limited resources, we focused on creating products that reflected the authenticity of the community —products we would proudly use and recommend to our own families.

At Bud Bros, we defy the big business stereotypes. We reject the notion that “it’s just business.” For us, it’s personal. It’s about genuine love for what we do and a deep pride in our roots. We’re not just a business; we’re a vision brought to life by underdogs with a relentless commitment to producing amazing products while staying true to ourselves.

Join us on this journey, where every product is a testament to hard work, passion, and an unwavering commitment to staying real. At Bud Bros, we’re not just crafting cannabis products; we’re crafting a legacy—one that started with underdogs and continues with a vision for authenticity and excellence.

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