Product Research and Development

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About this product

At MCR Labs we pride ourselves in keeping up to date with the latest analytical techniques and technology as well as current developments and trends in medical marijuana. We leverage our knowledge and equipment to test and improve new medical marijuana products. If you wish to optimize your product or to diversify your product portfolio, we have the resources and interest.

Method Development
Information on the amount of each therapeutic cannabinoid in your product is vital to improving treatment. We develop analytical methods that we can transfer to your laboratory site to allow you to better monitor your product.

Quality by Design is a statistical software package that allows us to create series of experiments to get the most data mathematically possible from a set of experiments. The ultimate in efficiency.
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As the first independent cannabis testing laboratory to be certified by the state of Massachusetts, we are proud to offer analytical testing and R&D services to MMJ and adult-use cannabis providers, patients, doctors, caregivers, or anyone crafting their own cannabis products. Our methods are ISO-17025 accredited, and we employ proven analytical practices developed in the pharmaceutical industry.
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