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Prime Sunshine Mimosa Delta 8 THC Flower
Prime Sunshine CBDOther Products Containing Delta-8 THC
HybridTHC 19%CBD —
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About this strain
Mimosa, also known as "Purple Mimosa," is a hybrid marijuana strain made by crossing Clementine with Purple Punch. In small doses, this strain produces happy, level-headed effects that will leave you feeling uplifted and motivated enough to take on any mundane task. In large doses, Mimosa may make you feel sleepy and relaxed. This strain has a strong aroma and flavor that reminds you of its namesake, with notes of fruit and citrus flavors bursting through. Medical marijuana patients choose this strain to help relieve symptoms associated with depression and stress. Mimosa is a staple from the Tangie family. Breeder Symbiotic Genetics has released a refined Mimosa dubbed Mimosa v6.
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