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With subtle & sweet notes of blue and black berries, a heavy kush exhale, and a tangy OG bite in the foreground, Crunchberries may be new and exciting to us all, but this flavor profile is “kicking it old-school”. A full and robust profile brimming with classic cannabis flavors, Crunchberries can be traced back to original blueberry strains and Triple OG; with it’s tart and tangy punch bordering on citrus, and it’s kushy berry exhale, Crunchberries is an instant classic, and will transport you back to the days of old-school kind. Leaning indica due to its kush lineage, Crunchberries soothes and relaxes the body and mind, calms and collects the spirit, while still remaining potent and intense enough to keep you moving. Heavy and sedating, but while maintaining euphoria and alertness. Crunchberries might be a little heavy to have with your breakfast cereal, but we don’t know until we try it, right? Breakfast is served.
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Six Labs is where the science of cannabis and the art of cultivation comes together. At our cultivation lab in Chesaning, Michigan, we cultivate all our own cannabis with a complete focus on quality and precision, and passion for advanced research, development, and technology.


  • MI, US: AU-G-C-000159
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