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I been a long time loyal customer. Something has changed. I went in to get the product I always buy and the GM asked me if I had tried GRAMLIN. He said it was also a house brand and in his opinion better than GOLD FLORA. I asked him if he used it he said he had. I bought 14g on his recommendation. I trusted him. I got home with a bag of old dried up flower. Packed over 3 months ago. It turned to dust when I put it in my grinder. Tired in pain and needing to sleep I tried to use it. It had an unpleasant taste and smell an all I got was a headache. I took it back less than 24 hrs later. Kings Crew now has a BUY IT AND YOU'RE STUCK WITH NO MATTER WHAT policy.
Never was that way. The manager I was dealing with said they can't replace good product for bad and refused me a full refund. I did leave with an 1/8 from credit I already had in the store. It was also dried out. I'm gonna move on to a business that operates like a legit business.
They lost my business over $42.00. Sad. I won't be back.