Whether you’re seeking relief or relaxation, focus, or fun, there’s a path to safe, informed cannabis use for you. Every day we strive to dispel outdated perceptions associated with cannabis and encourage a new appreciation of its many benefits. Experience the warm, welcoming, and supportive guidance of the Verilife community so you can confidently choose the cannabis products that fit your lifestyle.
I went to get cash from atm the lady that helped me was almost like rushing me, I knew what I wanted I needed some cash went to atm(inside) got 80$ and the lady said something I walked back as she had a spot in line so I ran over, waited a minute got to counter got my total went to get my 80$ and it’s gone. I told the lady she said no worrries we have cameras! So she said they were looking, then she said call me Monday, called spoke to ? And never got a call back so I have called numerous times and said the person I need to will call me, finally got a call they said I didn’t take any money out, I have 2 separate transactions from getting the original 80 that was gone so had to take another 80$. Long story kinda shorter all this back and forth and after he watched the cameras sssid I took no money I asked Hume how long he said he shut it off after I said I took out money, check bank while talking to them to quadruple check and it’s 2 separate transactions he watrcjed the tape and said when she called me I grabbed the card and receipt and no cash, my problem first is this should have been dealt with the day it happened, second the lack of communication, not putting customers first, I was thrown in back of the line, all in all a breakdown at that store, I have been to many recreational facility’s all professionally run they all seem, Vera life on the other hand is a pace that rushes yiu to buy and just don’t really care, if yiu want help have fun, I wish I could say better but I can’t, there are to many good reputable stores I urge you to not try and use one, try a few and you will find a team that begins to know you and the recommendations always seems to get better so find one you like and try and deal with the same salesman or women let them begin to know you and what you like and it really does get easier to shop without stress and actually enjoy reading menus and such. I really hopes this helps just one person!
Great selection and convenient to shop at. Staff was helpful and warned me about a reward program which gave me a 10% discount on my order. Will def shop here again.
For the second time at the Arlington Heights shop, I've been made to feel like a annoyance because I'm a rec customer. On a Sunday, I had a pickup time of 10:30 and arrived around 10:35. I asked the first guy in line how long he had been waiting. "30 to 45 minutes." When he asked the clerk about it, the clerk tried to placate him by comparing it to the time you used to spend waiting on a dealer. I mentioned the fact that this was a retail shop and that weed was legal. He then told us, in effect, that if we were going to complain, we could leave. So I left. And I won't be returning.
As to the star ratings, Service is really 0. Quality and Atmosphere I can't really rate.