
Girish Damjibhai Patel

North Port, FL

1 Review of Girish Damjibhai Patel

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January 18, 2024
This "doctor" was my primary care as well as the doctor I saw for my Medical Marijuana Card ... after 16 or so years of using him as my primary care, he came to see me in the hospital after I had passed out at home. I suffer chronic pain from neuropathy in both feet and hands. That isn't why I passed out of course ... but had to mention that. So, I passed out on Monday and was taken to the ER and admitted before 11am. Of course, being in the hospital, I didn't bring any of my pain meds with me or any other meds, for that matter. The hospital and I tried to reach him all day and through the night, he never returned the calls. When he finally came to see me the next day, close to noon, he was immediately rude, which was a surprise, to be honest. He then proceeded to let me know that he would not be giving me pain meds while I was there and that the next time I was in a hospital, I shouldn't let him know. I asked if he was releasing me as a patient, to which he replied that he was. So that was in September. Since then, I have found a new primary care and then each time I put my meds in for refills, there was a problem, so I called the pharmacy and they let me know that all my refills were canceled by his office. After that they also canceled my prescription for Medical Marijuana, which was not covered by health insurance, of course, and I paid his office for that. So it should have been considered separate from my being released as a patient. All that said, I do NOT recommend this 'doctor' and actually would like to steer anyone that would use him, clear from him and his office.