Formerly a senior staff editor for Leafly Canada, Devon is a freelance writer, editor and content strategist focusing on health and lifestyle stories. Find her online at www.devonscoble.com or at her local cannabis store, stocking up on mango haze flower and low-dose edibles.
18 total articles - Page 2 of 2
7 Scenic Smoke Spots in Ontario
Devon Scoble - Published on July 18, 2019Read moreTake a deep inhale—these scenic spots will have you exhaling in no time.
Leafly’s Guide to Cannabis in Ontario Cottage Country
Devon Scoble - Published on July 16, 2019Read morePot shops, attractions, and scenic smoke spots en route to your cottage or campground.
What to do with disappointing weed
Devon Scoble - Published on July 15, 2019Read moreMids become magic with these practical tips for transforming bad strains into good—or at least better—experiences.
7 Cannabis-Friendly Summer Attractions in Canada
Devon Scoble - Published on July 12, 2019Read more420-friendly destinations!
Conceive With Caution: How Cannabis Can Affect Fertility
Devon Scoble - Published on July 10, 2019Read moreIs there enough evidence surrounding cannabis and infertility to make any conclusive claims?
Irradiation 101: What Canadians Need to Know About Cannabis Irradiation
Devon Scoble - Published on July 8, 2019Read moreThe practice of cannabis irradiation is safe enough to get Health Canada’s stamp of approval but some call it ‘a crutch.’
6 weed-loving parents share tips for consuming cannabis at home
Devon Scoble - Published on December 13, 2018Read moreTo toke in front of the kids or not to toke in front of the kids? That’s the question
Edibles & kids: 7 safety tips for cautious, cannabis-consuming caregivers
Devon Scoble - Published on November 14, 2018Read moreHow to keep infused-edibles away from minors.